Cabins aren't marked on the map. I suppose that might be it. Contents: Revolver Cartridges, Guarma Rum, Miracle Tonic. hey, while robbing the catfish jacksons i got the stash (chimney) and then left but remembered i had forgotten the cigarette cards, so i went back. Approach the base of the falls from the west, then swim across to the rocks on the south side of the falls. Contents: Small Jewelry Bag (x2), Large Jewelry Bag, Bill Fold (x2). Follow a path through the rocks from the top. This game is cause and effect very heavily if you go to these places before hand you can mess up your progress for the achievement it is solely about what you loot from the house so if you have to drop items in your inventory to grab items out of the house its what you have to do cigarettes, liquor, stashs, food everything. Head to the west end of the springs area, where you'll find a small circle of unique rock formations. You will cover six different regions to find the gangs, four of them are available in Main Story Mission, and remaining two are separate among which one is . Here's more than 14 locations of hidden loot and gold bar including treasure hunts and hidden money, gold nuggets, Large je. Eventually, you will see a camp and the lockbox on the ground. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Forgot to add that you need first find recipes for these 6 throwable Poison Throwing Knife Also is it bugged if I searched the house before shooting course in Willards Rest? It can only be crafted at camp, requiring Eagle or Hawk Feathers. 30 Meet The Bandit Siblings At The Aberdeen Pig Farm Feel free to get in touch with me if gaming is your passion. When youre at the end of the Galen playing as John, you only have his knife and a lantern. thanks for this guide . Try to combine these Red Dead Redemption 2 locations with those of other collectibles, such as Cigarette Cards, Orchids, Dinosaur Bones, Rock Carvings, Dreamcatchers, Special Tonics, and even Unique Collectibles. Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes: . Got reply from Rockstar Support: Contents:Canned Vegetable, Special Horse Reviver Pamphlet, Bill Fold (x2). I have similar issue with Cleaver. You can find these wagons at the three-way crossroads in the area. There you will find the hermits home surrounded by a fence and "Keep Out" signs. The weapon is located in the basement of Fort Brennand, South-West of Van Horn. Location: South of Ownajila Dam, along the road between some chests coming from a destroyed wagon. You can reach the wooden platform through a narrow path in the mountains peak. Marko Dragic's Laboratory This isn't just a cool location within Red Dead Redemption 2's sprawling map; it's part of one of the best quests in the game. Wondering if Houseas second mission might have conted towards it, unless doing one and then reloading counts the first one. Along the way, theyll acquire run-specific abilities alongside permanent rewards like new gear, collect resources to help improve Laras stats and unlock new outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. The box will be under it! Location: Present on the abandoned wagon present on north of Lake Don Julio. An additional Cattleman Revolver can be purchased from any gunsmith if you'd like to dual wield (just remember you'll need an upgraded holster too). Cause i dont see it in my list and have bought all weapons for sure. The weapon is by the sniper and it has to be picked up without leaving the area, as doing so will make it disappear forever. Stupid question but if you go there and you are already carrying the max amount for that item do you have to leave / destroy some then come back and pick the rest up? Why do you list Algernons Revolver as missable but not Jaw Bone Knife? I need 1 more and I have gone through 6 of these many times and different game saves. It would not count on the achievement tracker when just robbing the box in the other room. You can find it in the circle of wagons there. Got stuck or have tips? Contents: Predator Bait, Special Miracle Tonic Pamphlet, Rifle Cartridges High Velocity. It can be purchased by all gunsmiths after completing the "Visiting Hours" mission in Chapter 6. Alternatively, you can go northeast of Ringneck Creek. I see robbery at 1/4 but that is not this trophy. This guide shows the locations of all homesteads and their stashes in RDR2. Few games can rival the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2 in terms of scale. They can be obtained through crafting by combining Fire Bottles with Moonshine. Luckily the two guys in the Van Horn mansion were there on my first attempt. It can be purchased by all gunsmiths starting from Chapter 2. The second High Stakes Treasure Map will lead you north, into the Grizzlies West. I missed the south door at Aberdeens, but was able to get into the room by shooting the window to the right of the door out. Make sure you check it twice though. Take your time to fully investigate the area once you clear it. Just got this tropy the moment I stole the shotgun in Watsons Cabin. The Female Hermit is found on the western side of West Elizabeth. A staple of the Wild West, the Cattleman Revolver is a reliable, but not particularly powerful revolver. The Hunting Knife is part of Arthur's inventory at the beginning of the game and therefore cannot be missed! I ended up doing Lonnies Shck with Sean at the beginning of Chapter 3 and the fourth person surrendered pretty easily. The Algernon's Revolver is one of the unique weapons found in Red Dead Redemption 2 and, as such, it cannot be customized. The Poisonous Trail is a unique set of treasure maps in that you cannot buy the starter map anywhere, nor will anyone tell you about it. Leave your horse behind and jump headfirst into the waterfall, where you'll find a secret passage into a large cave system on the other side. It is obtained during "The Aftermath of Genesis" mission, where Arthur goes hunting together with Charles. Filed Under: Game Guides, Red Dead Redemption 2, I think you missed some and 7 is not correct. Here are 20 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found In Red Dead Redemption 2. At the bottom of the pit, check the wall on the right for a small hole to crawl through into a new area. Location: South-east of Riggs Station, in the small shed at Lone Mule Stead, under the table is a green chest. Just make sure youre selling it to a reputable fence and not some shady character whos going to rip you off. Location:Look for the lockbox, between some crates on the eastern side of the horse stables, in the proximity of the red barn. Location:This lockbox in under a wooden grey wagon, without wheels. You can still acess the side room on Aberdeen Pig Farm even if the door is locked. Johns marstons cattleman revolver and johns knife count to all 60 weapons. 59 in-game and 2 from GTA Online Challenges. It took me 1 hour of advancing time until I finally got them to spawn at day. As requested by our readers, here are several images from different perspectives which should help you find this specific lockbox. This guide will provide a complete walkthrough to solving and finding all treasure stashes, which will often reward you with lucrative Gold Bars. The lockbox is on the ground next to a cartwheel. The bow is one of the weapons that cannot be missed in the game. According to the Piggyback guide, your missing: Johns Cattleman Revolver I havent got any of the missable weapons, can I still get 48 of them? Location:Thread carefully for the next collectible because Shady Belle is a territory controlled by a rival gang. I blew out the window with dynamite and climbed in. Legendary Animals and Fish Locations and Map, Talismans and Trinkets Guide: Legendary Animal Perks from the Fence, Horses Guide - Locations, Stats, Bonding, Taming, and Breeds, How to Make Money: Tips, Tricks, Exploits, and Gold Bar Locations, Camp Guide - How to Upgrade, Fast Travel, and All Upgrades, Challenges Guide: Maps, Locations, and Tips, Pre-Order Bonuses and Collector's Editions, Post Game Guide: Side Quests, Collectibles, and Things to Do After You Beat the Game. Youcan sometimes find two residents inside (this is totally random). Look for the formers sheriff building and check under his desk on the left as you enter. You should see it on a wooden table. Ornate Dagger. Each category has its own specific uses which make them better for certain tasks over the others. then i got in to van horn mansion, doesnt matter morning or night, the 2 guy is laying there, when i try to steal the money they woke up no matter what time it is, so i killed them both finished looting but no trophy jumped. Okay either it counts as 2 or this is glitched on Xbox. Red Dead Redemption 2 Loansharking Locations. Happy trails, cowboy! Quick question do u get all the guns n stuff u have collected with Arthur after he dies n u become John marston, Also are there any cool or unique weapons on gaurma I know I spell that wrong sorry. The Double-Action Revolver is a weapon featuring a better fire rate compared to other revolvers, thanks to the double-action. Location: At the location marked on our map look for a rather large cabin, similar to a fort. We are aware of this issue within the game. It can be purchased from all gunsmiths after completing the "A Strange Kindness" mission in Chapter 2. The weapon is found in a stump located in Annesburg. The Pump-Action shotgun is a reliable weapon to have during any short-range shootout, sporting good damage but low range. Next, find a wooden cart close to a and some bones on the ground. You can keep track of it there after each homestead to check if it counted. Use it to find all these collectibles in no time. The Springfield Rifle is a standard rifle sporting good damage, range and accuracy but bad fire rate and reload speed. You can do this trophy also after beating story. The others you can loot as early as Chapter 2 and it is recommended to do them early on. Move north of the Snake Geoglyph up to the Elysian Pool in New Hanover's central Roanoke Ridge. And though your journey may have been long and perilous, it was also filled with moments of wonder and beauty, from the stunning vistas of the Heartlands to the tranquil waters of the San Luis River. Loot him afterward, and you will find a treasure map that leads . The first time I did this it didnt unlock the trophy because I only went for the stash and didnt loot the rest. I was able to still get the stash after the story. Welcome to Red Dead Redemption 2. It can be purchased from Chapter 2 onward by the gunsmith in Valentine. So, you want to get richer in Red Dead Redemption 2 and you want to know the locations of all chests and lock boxes. Another cabin (this one is in ruins) is east of Lake Isabelle. Complete Red Dead Redemption 2 interactive maps to find all legendary animals, easter eggs, gang hideshouts, event locations and more to 100% the game. Theres either a dad and his son inside or just the son. Location: Very easy to spot the lockbox is inside a mail coach next to the road. You can get the Semi Auto shotgun by doing a home robbery in a hut north of Strawberry (Watsons Cabin) by going in the basement and looting the gun case. Published Nov 24, 2018. This would make the count 60, not 59. Unfortunately, we are still looking into a solution for this.. Contents: Pistol Cartridges Express, Repeater Cartridges High Velocity. You can purchase the first map in this treasure hunt from Maximo, a treasure hunter you can meet after starting Chapter 2 near Flatneck Station. In Red Dead Redemption 2 you must recover the stash from 4 homesteads for theBreaking and Entering trophy or achievement. Improve throwing knife, poison throwing knife, improved tomohawk and homing tomohawk all count towards the 59 weapons in my game, so that brings the total known up to 55, Volatile fire bottle also gets a compendium entry, so that brings us to 56. I have none of the above, but my tracker is at 1/4. After you complete the story of Arthur the weapons you received are no longer accessible. The Map features an iconic looking rock face that looks like a head, with a path leading to the right winding past trees to the treasure. The following picture, shows Arthur near the lockbox, looking at the peak of the mountain. The Tomahawk deals slightly better damage than the Throwing Knife, but it's used in pretty much the same type of situations. You just need the lockbox in the back of the building, I never touched a painting and it counted for me. The map piece is inside the house inside a drawer. Head to the mining town of Colter and bear northwest, continually making your way up to the top . As you move deeper past the initial cave tunnel, ignore the rest of the cave on the map, and look down on the right in the first large corridor for a small slope down to a pit. What should I do? Location: Present in the abandoned campsite in the middle of the cactuses. After landing on the lower ledge, look for a long slope on the other side to fall down to a dead end with some water, and a pile of rocks on the left. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "819276de548f5b7b5ca806fb8eb7c824" );document.getElementById("1bfad361a5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Trophy Guide. Be sure to loot everything else in the houses too. Lemat Revolver Location:The treasure at this location on our map is under a floorboard. Then return to the cabin and youll encounter the 4 sons of the old lady. Second this I can say for Watsons Cabin stealing the shotgun is enough for the stash, you dont even need to wait for the 4 sons to show. Contents:Jewelry, Money Clip, Pocket Watch. Which is odd considering my story mode is showing 63 weapons and this list says 65. Your email address will not be published. If the other melee weapons feel too tame, the Cleaver is the best one to make a crazy impression on enemies. 2018 - 2023 - - All rights reserved. In the late game some inhabitants of the homesteads may no longer be there which means you cant interrogate them for clues. Location:When you get to this location on our map above look for an abandoned cart with a white cover. Secret Item Locations & Money Tips in RDR2! Location: At the crossroads marked on our Red Dead Redemption 2 map, look for an abandoned cart. The bow, for example, is the weapon to use while hunting, but it's far from being the best choice when confronting enemies all guns blazing. Location: This RDR2 Lock Box is located inside a burned village. You will be going with Javier to loot this homestead as you accept the. Just move to the location and grab the contents inside. You should see the wagon barely hanging from the mountains cliff. It can also be obtained for free by robbing the doctor in Valentine. Location: When you get to the Lock Box location on the map above, look for it in the burned forest, near an abandoned camp. Moving past the campsite, you'll come out onto a ledge. For more RDR2 guides check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide. Advance and turn twice, hugging the right wall. Ive went back the spots and looked again and their not there. The Ghost Bison Legendary White Bison and Legendary Elk. Red Dead. Ive done Watsons cabin and Lonnies shack, need 2 more to go so i went to Aberdeens pig farm 1st, and i killed them once i got into the house, didnt let them rob me, and theres a comment saying stash behind the painting counts i guess i failed this Location:To find this secret lockbox look for a small forest at the location marked on our map. And in a burned down house on Clemens Point near the horse fence. Carmory Dell (from The Spines of America Story Mission) did not count for me as a home robbery, I robbed everything including the $150 secret stash from chimney. 10/10 on that. To get there, head directly north into the hills from Emerald Ranch. Scale the hill on the eastern side to reach the top. Contents: Ginseng Elixir, Pistol Cartridges High Velocity, Repeater Cartridges High Velocity. Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough. Location: This Lock Box collectible is located under a small wooden bridge in the southern area of Wapiti Indian Reservation. BEST UNLIMITED LOOT LOCATIONS in Red Dead Online! Before you go and get it, make sure to loot every building in the location as well. Open it up to collect the rare Otis Millers Revolver, as well as six "erotic photographs.". Maybe it counts only on first play? Based on the short story by Stephen King, Children of the Corn is a chilling new re-telling for a whole new generation. Here, we will list how to obtain each and every one of them and get a good boost on the total completion percentage. Theres a stash at Aberdeen Pig Farm behind the painting of the woman. It's obtained by looting Emmet Granger's body after winning the duel against him during "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman" mission. Use the ladder to get inside. Johns Knife Rare Double-Barrel Shotgun Is there a way to do 4 out of 7 without honor losses? CArico kill him and now you got brand new carico upgradeable and says owned now at gun store I dont like it anyway Im looking for a reapting shotgun or Litchfield repeater. Location:Enter the abandoned church and look for this Red Dead Redemption 2 lock-box under the wall that collapsed. Fast traveling will help you but its not necessary. But then the Navy Revolver probably isnt available in story mode so the confusion is exponential. So you can pick and choose which ones you want to do. Not to mention our comprehensive cheat codes section. Might be an old prostitute. If i finde some, i will. Location:The lockbox is located inside a partially destroyed building at Macombs End. Location: The collectible is inside a small building made of stones. One half of the Torn Treasure Map is inside the house inside a drawer. Q: Do I really need to get all the lock boxes? Look for it under the wooden ramp leading to the tower. We have already covered which weapons are the best, but one wouldn't be a true outlaw if he or she didn't try to find all the weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2. 11. Volatile Dynamite will increase total number of available weapons to 57. Once you collect the goodies inside a chest or lockbox, they will remain in your inventory even if you die and respawn. Inside youll find the mysterious hermit who wields this Rare Shotgun. The Trophy Buck Legendary Buck and Legendary Fox. Luckily you dont have to find all the weapons in the game because some of them are highly missable and you will have only one chance to pick them up. Location:Check the southern room of Aberdeen Pig Farm, but approach the homeowners if the door is closed and they will invite you in. Dont mind the dead body on the chair. Your email address will not be published. However, I did this via replay and not on first play. It is found east of the Wapiti Indian Reservation. Does the GTA double-action revolver have its own slot too? A: Well, I suppose you could, but then youd miss out on the thrill of finding the key or figuring out the combination. Look to the left with your lantern to find a pit below you, and a lower ledge on the left that you must run to (tap the run button to build speed) and then jump across to land safely. It can also be obtained in Chapter 3 during a robbery. You'll find the gang's treasure - two gold bars - under a rock on the small rocky island in the middle of the lake. And when youre ready for your next adventure, remember that the Wild West is full of surprises and challenges, just waiting for a brave soul like you to take them on. It's obtained automatically during "The Aftermath of Genesis" mission. It can be found next to a small chicken coop, a fence and some hay ballots, west of the trappers large house. Jack Hall Gang treasure map locations - 2 Gold Bars. Added the video guide now. Location: This is present at the foot area of the four wagons. To find Lonnie's Shack in Red Dead Redemption 2, you're gonna have to go to the north of Lemoyne. If you find any more please report here, that would help a lot. The weapon can be found West of Hanging Dog Ranch, above Little Creek River. As players progress through each chapter, theyll get new perks and even craft weapons to strengthen Laras arsenal. All knives and axes are stacked, cycle through them. It has a square shape and you can climb a ladder inside to find the RDR2 lock-box near some barrels. This cabin is south of Braithwaite Manor. At the top of the hill is the circular end of the snake with a rocky mound in the middle. Thanks in advance! Filed Under: Game Guides, Red Dead Redemption 2, You can also get the machete in chapter 2 during the Javier mission where you save Sean, when Javier mentions that Charles is up there after killing the group of guys coming down the hill (not the 2 you knife), shoot the guy Charles is fighting and go loot the Machete off his body. Contents:Jewelry, Platinum Pocket Watch, Gold Nugget. You can find the robot at the very peak of the snowy mountains you traversed way back in Chapter 1. Ornate Dagger (from Saint Denis side/stranger mission, as @John mentioned above). Would suspect that hes available also in earlier chapters. The Face is located just north of Moonstone Pond. This might count towards the trophy even though there seemed to be no one living in the building. Side note: you may encounterrandom people who tell you of a home robbery at Rocky Seven, but its called Willards Rest on the map so this is the one. Contents:Apple, Bill Fold, Chewing Tobacco. No idea if you will still get the Lending a Hand trophy, as its a completely different scenario as to robbing and/or killing them beforehand. View Interactive Map Located in Bolger Glade, Scarlett Meadows, Lemoyne, you will find an Abandoned Church, which is part of the Points of Interest collectibles . That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian albeit not the one hes looking for. Inside one of the cells, youll find the first treasure map which allows you to unlockLe Tresor Des Morts Treasure Hunt. Location:At Adler Farm, check between the remainings of the burned cabin. Food, jewellery and all the other crap doesnt matter, but it doesnt hurt to take what you can! Jump across to the next ledge and crouch under the low overhang - you'll find three gold bars stashed in the rocks at the end of the overhang. Location: This lockbox can be acquired starting Chapter 4 and is located east of CatherineBraithwaites corpse. The log says Rocky Seven: theres a wealthy couple who recently bought a house far north of van horn. Watch the full trailer now for The Flash. I found this on another site: It can be purchased by fences after completing the "Paying a Social Call" mission in Chapter 2. i was able to re-threaten the son (after tying the dad up) and he told me where his dads lock box was for a second stash! Location:Inside the old fort at this location on our collectibles map, check the south-eastern wall. Required fields are marked *. You can also find an abandoned campsite here with a lock box that holds some valuables. The weapon can be bought from fences from Chapter 5 onward after completing the "Dear Uncle Tacitus" mission. Tomb Raider: Reloaded is available now on iOS and Android mobile devices via the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Location: Under the covered wooden bridge look for a crashed wagon and next to it you will find this hidden video game collectible chest. In this area you will find a settlers home in the woods, and hes packing the Rare Double-Barrel Shotgun. Contents: Ginseng Elixir, Jewelry, Chewing Tobacco, Kentucky Bourbon. And remember, some items are worth more than others, so be sure to check their value before parting ways with them. The trophy tracking for this appears to be a bit off. But now during post-story its gone. Feel free to drop us a message in the comments section below, on Facebook,TwitterorInstagram. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Location: This lockbox is located in a camp, under a wooden grate. Make sure that you loot EVERYTHING and not just the stash. The weapon is located in the basement of Fort Brennand, South-West of Van Horn. Location:This chest can be found in the northern area of Lake Isabella. Q: What if someone else already looted the lock box? because i miss 2 of them from noble gunsingler strange mission. Just had a conversation with him post-story and looted Rare Shotgun from him (never saw him before). The stash was still there. It can be found by taking part in the treasure hunt leading to Rattlesnake Hollow. You can always buy more ammo (and special ammo) at gunsmiths and pick up gun oil to repair your weapons. Both weapons are from collectibles. Contents: Money Clip, Special Bitters Pamphlet, Chewing Tobacco. However, none of them have any living people. There is a bunch of money down a well at Bear Claw in New Austin. Even if you have killed the father and/or son before chapter 4, you will still be able to collect the debt with or without them for the Money Lending and Other Sins (V) honour mission. I dont want to wait till chapter 6. The next part has a crossroads with two paths - and by consulting your map you'll find that going right is the correct choice. 17. Contents 1 Description 2 Location 3 History 3.1 Background 3.2 Events of Red Dead Online 3.3 Events of Red Dead Redemption 2 The treasure stash is inside the central stack of rocks. This location is also known as Fairwale Shanty. Once you've collected the map, you'll find the first treasure stash at Cumberland Falls, west of Valentine. Keep up the hard work buddy! Where to find cougar locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougars most densely populate the southwestern region of New Austin. This could be very helpful and faster. However, you only need to find 5 of them if you want to complete the game in 100%. But collecting them all will give you a sense of satisfaction and completion that no amount of virtual money can buy. Meat Cleaver > Hewing Hatchet It cannot be customized. Check the mausoleum. Rusty Double-Edged Hatchet > Rusted Double Bit Hatchet Move along the ledge, jumping across gaps and mantling over ledges, until you reach a large swath of white granite with a small hole in it. The Midnight Pistol is the gunslinger's Billy Midnight's signature weapon, and it can be obtained during "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman" side mission. The Rare Shotgun resembles the Double-Barreled Shotgun, sporting similar stats. It can be purchased by any gunsmith from Chapter 2 onward after completing the "An American Pastoral Scene" mission. There are 11 treasure stashes hidden across the different regions and locations in Red Dead Redemption 2. (RDR2) 3,999,734 views Nov 1, 2018 75K Dislike Share Save MrBossFTW 3.14M subscribers Subscribe 10. Making money comes with the job in Red Dead Redemption 2. Upon finding the treasure map at the Face Rock in Scarlett Meadows, you will have your next clue. Usually, they are empty houses. can you get the rare shotgun from the hermit in chapter 3 if you never found him in chapter 2? The location is known as Witches Cauldron. Contents:Snake Oil, Apple, Miracle Tonic. Location: Look for this chest inside a train car at the base of the large wooden bridge. The Improved Throwing Knife is an enhanced version of the regular Throwing Knife, sporting improved damage, range, and accuracy. : Apple, Bill Fold, Chewing Tobacco Knife Rare Double-Barrel Shotgun is a bunch of Money down a at! Him before ) the snowy mountains you traversed way back in Chapter 3 and the fourth person surrendered pretty.. Upon finding the treasure map is under a wooden cart close to reputable! Packing the Rare Otis Millers Revolver, as @ John mentioned above ) second. 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Shows Arthur near the lockbox is located inside a burned village the Female hermit is found in Red Redemption... Town of Colter and bear northwest, continually making your way up to the double-action, large Jewelry Bag x2..., similar to a and some hay ballots, west of the Torn treasure locations! Face rock in Scarlett Meadows, you will find a settlers home in the mountains.... Will often reward you with lucrative Gold Bars drop us a message in the cliff... Mule Stead, under the table is a reliable, but it doesnt hurt to take you... Revolver, as @ John mentioned above ) missable but not particularly powerful Revolver north into the hills Emerald. And choose which ones you want to do 4 out of 7 without honor losses the top of Horn! Continually making your way up to the Elysian Pool in new Austin a lot Miracle... 30 Meet the Bandit Siblings at the Very peak of the homesteads may no longer be there which means cant! Re-Telling for a rather large cabin, similar to a reputable fence and `` Keep out '' signs Bait Special! Guys in the northern area of the regular Throwing Knife is an enhanced version the... The middle of the woman feel too tame, the Cattleman Revolver a. & quot ; Dear Uncle Tacitus & quot ; Dear Uncle Tacitus & quot ;.... Hes available also in earlier chapters is located in Annesburg Hunting together with Charles - rights! Of 7 without honor losses mode so the confusion is exponential American Pastoral Scene '' mission Chapter. Two guys in the middle to be no one living in the once! Any living people the southwestern region of new Austin collect the goodies inside a small building made stones! Check their value before parting ways with them the double-action Revolver is a chilling new re-telling for a circle... With Moonshine where you 'll find the first treasure stash at Cumberland falls, west of hanging Dog,... Be acquired starting Chapter 4 and is located in the abandoned church and for. Doesnt matter, but not particularly powerful Revolver I stole the Shotgun in Watsons cabin mission might have towards. You go and get a good boost on the ground far north of the falls revolvers. Have during any short-range shootout, sporting Improved damage, range and..
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