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Okuyasu is secretly OP as hell if you think about it. He would go on a rampage, killing stand users such as Yoshikage Kira, Enrico Pucci and Funny Valentine in which he would steal their stands. Only when does he find himself in space, unable to move despite repeated attempts to do so, and drifting away from Earth does he lose his composure and hope. In terms of raw destructive power capabilities, Jotaros Star Platinum rises above just about any other Stand in the series. Who is stronger DIO vs Kars? [5][12] Kars also seems to have a certain respect for nature and animals; he caused a drunk driver who nearly hit a puppy to get into an accident and die,[15] and he deliberately complicated an otherwise-simple landing to avoid falling on a flower. Highly unlikely mathematically, I am aware. That's why part 4 writes him out of every big confrontation by being absent or ambushed. I know Araki almost certainly isn't going to have Kars return (due to his rival Joseph being gone, Hamon being given the cold shoulder now, and everyone and their grandma having Stands). For example, when he was submerged in lava his body actually started to dissolve from the 1500 kelvin heat but was still alive due to his rapid regeneration. The only reason Kars lost was becouse of Joseph's astronomical level luck, he is still the most powerful creature in existence 5.1K BluRipply 1 yr. ago Joseph set his Luck to 10 on his S.P.E.C.I.A.L screen 2.3K TheDefenderOfMurlocs 1 yr. ago I'm pretty sure his only stat that isn't 10 is Intelligence and even that is at least 7 984 Pucci used Made In Heaven to take control of Jolyne's Stone Free. Unlike the previous game, his main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance.. Superhuman Strength: Kars possesses incredible strength, which we have seen him go up to 900 kg/cm2. During her final stand against Enrico Pucci, she struck him with a barrage of punches. Gyro Zeppeli certainly continued this tradition. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! However, Jotaro died saving Jolyne from Pucci. He would go on a rampage, killing stand users such as Yoshikage Kira, Enrico Pucci and Funny Valentine in which he would steal their stands. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. D4C however might just be it. Kars is the main antagonist of the Battle Tendency. Though he may have stopped thinking, humanity had better count its days should he ever return. The original timeline began with the death of a Joestar, and it ended with one. The crew head over right away with plans to use Abbacchio's Moody Blues to go back in time and capture an image of the Boss's true face. Santana is, like his brethren, violent, and aloof. Kars is the leader of the Pillar Men, and the designer of the Stone Mask. Unfortunately, Jotaro didn't arrive on the scene in time, nor could he stop time quickly enough to prevent the aftermath. However, it becomes clear Esidisi was still alive once Joseph notices Suzy Q somewhere she shouldn't be. However, Straizo notices that Santana had been absorbing the spilled blood and to prevent Santana from awakening, dumps the bodies of the men he attacked into a nearby river. Jonathan's epic rivalry with Dio seemingly came to an end after Jonathan defeats Dio at his castle, but Wang Chan found Dio's severed head in the rubble. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The 20 Most Heartbreaking Deaths In Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Ranked, Johnny Joestar Was Crushed To Death By A Boulder (Steel Ball Run), Jotaro Couldn't Save Anasui In Time (Stone Ocean), Gyro Zeppeli Carried On His Family's Tradition Of Dying For The Joestars (Steel Ball Run), Wamuu Dies A Noble Death For A Villain (Battle Tendency), Shigekiyo Yangu Dies Before He Can Reform Himself (Diamond Is Unbreakable), Risotto Nero Is Gunned Down By Aerosmith (Golden Wind), Noriaki Kakyoin Uses His Dying Breath To Help Stop DIO (Stardust Crusaders), Reimi Sugimoto Haunted Morioh Until Her Murder Was Avenged (Diamond Is Unbreakable), Jean Pierre Polnareff Meets His End When Trying To Warn Giorno (Golden Wind), Esidisi Sacrifices Himself To Meet Kars's Goal (Battle Tendency), Iggy's Death Was Unnecessarily Cruel (Stardust Crusaders), Narancia Ghirga Was Impaled On Iron Bars (Golden Wind), Leone Abbacchio Dies While Revealing Diavolos Identity (Golden Wind), Jonathan Joestar Sacrifices Himself To Take Dio Down (Phantom Blood), Muhammad Avdol Dies From A Surprise Attack (Stardust Crusaders), Will Anthonio Zeppeli Sacrifices Himself To Save Jonathan (Phantom Blood), Bruno Bucciarati's Death Is Dragged Out (Golden Wind), Caesar Zeppeli Experiences One Of The Most Memorable Deaths In The Series (Battle Tendency), 8 Misconceptions About Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Debunked, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 10 Things Stone Ocean Should Change For The Anime, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 10 Unlikable Characters Fans Grew To Love, Top 10 Worst Ways To Die In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 10 Connections To The Original JJBA Universe In JoJolion. When Kars meets Joji Joestar and encounters Dio, this occurrence between Dio and Kars had already happened in another universe. I personally think it would be much like Dio at the end of part 1. Right as Abbacchio managed to find the correct point in time with Moody Blues, Diavolo uses King Crimson to punch a hole through his torso. Doubt it. Then again who knows, maybe Kars ended up on an alien world, got infected by some kind of Stand microbes in addition to adapting some new forms and then returns to Earth. If Kars came back to earth, he'd still be braindead. In the end, Reimi meets Kira in the ghost world and sends him off to the place where all deranged serial killers hopefully go. That was before Stands were invented. xarro 5 yr. ago That would be awesome! Is Kars still alive in space? ( It says that Kars can subsist without nourishment for one year. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. During the battle at the Colosseum, Giorno and the rest got body-swapped as a result of Chariot Requiem's ability. How strong is ultimate Kars? His 3 and 5 variants are both Courage type, meaning that they can buff their defense and knockback resistance under certain situations. As the Nazis unleash ultraviolet light upon him, Kars unexpectedly dons a modified Stone Mask with the Super Aja in place; the light activates the mask and enables him to enter his ultimate form. Santana initially has a detached attitude toward everything around him, not caring for the humans and calmly escaping his prison. Hamon: Kars loses his weakness to Hamon and gains the ability to harness it. But, like the Jorge Joestar book, if Kars were to get a stand, it would have the ability of every stand in existence with the exception of likely Requiem and Heavenly stands, because a stand is a reflection of you, and if you are the ultimate lifeform, than you also will have the ultimate stand. Updated April 20th, 2022 by Sarah Martin: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has a seemingly never-ending cast of heroes and villains alike all of whom have impressive Stand or Hamon powers. But the Pillar man quickly forces himself into Stroheim's body in order to escape the sun while attempting to hide in a well, forcing the Nazi to sacrifice himself to leave Santana into the open. Diavolo never able to meet his end Due to the ability of Gold Experience Requiem, Diavolo is trapped in an infinite death loop; He continues to experience death over and over for eternity due to dying and subsequently returning to point zero (before his death), starting with drowning in the nearby river, followed by . Kars makes his first appearance as a playable character in the PS3 title; he was confirmed alongside Rohan Kishibe. Honestly Koichi and Okuyasu could handle ultimate Kars imo simply by weighing him down and then The Handing him out of existence. Ultimately, Kars is capable of affection and forming bonds with others, but those affections always come second to his goals. Kars' GHA, "I am the ultimate life form! As for Jolyene and the gang? Dio is the father of Giorno Giovanna, the main protagonist of Part 5, as well as a handful of other illegitimate offspring . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dio got killed by Jotaro, Yoshikage got killed by Ambulance, Diavolo got killed by Giorno,. Fittingly enough, the bottom of this list is the first in line, Jonathan Joestar. 77 years, 10 months, 23 days and still going. Iggy is another one of Vanilla Ice's casualties, and he dies soon after Vanilla Ice takes Avdol's life. Ironically, both deaths took place in water Jonathan on a boat and Jolyne underwater. This version is a low attack that can only be blocked while the opponent is crouching. Kars, wearing the mask, will slowly rise to his feet. Wamuu: Along with Santana, Kars raised him along with Esidisi. Jotaro has no way of killing or containing kars. WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean & Steel Ball Run by Hirohiko Araki. Santana is one of the several Part 2 characters who possesses a Metal Striker for the game. He would probably be trying to kill Joseph, with the other Joestars protecting him. Now only R .Joestar Macready and his Stand THE FLAME can beat him! In his quest to unmask Diavolo's true identity, Risotto began tracking Bucciarati's group with the intention to kidnap Trish and use her as leverage against Passione's Boss. While still physically alive, Kars is classified as brain-dead. Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli: As the man who created the Stone Masks, Kars is essentially responsible for the deaths of Caesar's father, grandfather and great-grand father. (Comboable). Speedwagon, Smokey Brown and the Speedwagon Foundation Special Forces. Toying with the Pillar Man, Joseph assumed Santana killed the Nazis out of self-defense before being attacked. While still physically alive, Kars is classified as brain-dead. I don't think that all of Passione couldn't beat him since we don't know every member and their stand ability. Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 2, Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 3, Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 4. He managed to achieve the status of the "perfect being." In his perfect form, Kars had an IQ of 400. Although briefly caught off-guard by Stroheim's new cyborg body - designed to surpass the Pillar Men, based off of Santana's data - he soon regains the advantage and cuts the German down, revealing that Santana was easily the weakest of the four. Jotaro is the smartest Joestar actually. It's been a popular manga since the 1980s and found its place as a popular anime by the 2010s. Presumably originated from American Continent. Then try and take over a small part of the world and live like a king for the rest of his life. If Heavy, he simply reappears at a distance, or the move becomes a feint if he is already far enough. Is Kars still alive in space? Made In Heaven cut off both of Stone Free's arms when her guard was down, and she died from the profuse blood loss. As the series' most memorable protagonist, he appeared as a significant supporting character in several parts. If Heavy, he dashes forward to unleash a powerful swing. There is a multitude of deaths in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but some have more emotional impact than others. Zeppeli was prepared for this fateful encounter, however, and sacrifices his life allowing Jonathan to fulfill his mission to destroy the Stone Mask. Topping off this list is arguably the most iconic character in the entire series, Jotaro Kujo. He was a prodigy at horse racing who unfortunately became a paraplegic after a gunshot wound to the spine. GER might be able to put him in a state of endless death. He'd probably just see a stand, go "I bet I can do that," and give himself a stand. I think it would largely depend on his reaction to being sent into space. As powerful and precise as Kujos punches might be, Nijimuras are infinitely more devastating. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Also, he could use Hamon in his ultimate form. Just like how Jonathan died at the end of Phantom Blood, Jolyne died at the end of Stone Ocean. But Avdol's fighting days were cut short after a fateful encounter with Vanilla Ice and Cream. Also, he could use Hamon in his ultimate form. This immediately enrages Joseph, who battles Kars but is continually trapped in a dilemma where Kars pierces Lisa Lisa's feet and strings a rope through the wounds, forcing Joseph to grab the rope to stop her from falling. The Hand probably just deposits them into outer space or something, though. After absorbing the host and getting shot at, Santana fires the bullets inside his body from his fingertips, killing almost everyone in the room. Kars can't regenerate from complete atomization which would destroy every cell in his body. After a short delay, the opponent suffers a final, gashing blow. Or is Kars definitively dead/hibernating? Joseph Joestar(disguised as a Nazi) protects Speedwagon, Stroheim, and himself from Santana's attack by channeling the Ripple into Stroheim's hair and using it to shield them. Kars could have come back during the Planet Waves fight since he was floating around in space still. For most of Jolyne's life, she believed her father hated her due to his absence. He began playing his grandmother's piano at the age of three. Kars, named after the new wave band The Cars, is the leader of the Pillar Men in Battle Tendency, the second part of the original manga series that the fighting game is based on. Unfortunately, several fan-favorite characters are sure to get killed off in the midst of it. If there's a Stand ability out there that could just stop him from using his abilities (like White Album freezing him in a similar manner to what happened when he was propelled into outer space and couldn't jet back to Earth), he could be killed, like he almost was in the volcano. He is the only Pillar Man to have two 4 variants, and the only Pillar Man bar Wamuu with a 4 or 3 variant. Risotto pursues Bucciarati to Sardinia where he unexpectedly runs into Doppio, Diavolo's other personality, and realizes he is Passione's Boss. Home. Kars faces Joseph in a final standoff with his arm blade, but is soundly beaten as Joseph's Ripple breaks the blade and wounds his arm, knocking him off the railing and into the spikes below. They enter their lives as mentors and die while teaching them one final lesson. Barelett287 22 days ago. In comparison to Wamuu, however, Kars saw Santana as guard dog and left him behind when he couldn't keep up with them. Kars takes the appearance of a tall, very well-built man. I would say GER would win outside of deus ex machina Senarios through many methods one being removing kars powers. While viewers are often happy to see the villains dead and gone, it's impossible to celebrate the deaths of favorite Jojo's heroes. Fortunately, Abbacchio uses his final moments to leave behind a clue for Giorno and the rest. After a struggle involving Stroheim sacrificing one of his legs, the door to the outside is open and a fully regenerated Santana is exposed to the light. Despite his allegiance to the villainous Kars and Esidisi, Wamuu proves to be a noble warrior. The blood from multiple prisoners causes the Pillar Man to awaken, Stroheim naming the being "Santana" while he and the rest observe him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, This is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure subreddit, and while the subreddit is named for Part Three: Stardust Crusaders, it covers all of the manga and various animated series - Our banner was made by u/ann_51 and our subreddit icon was made by u/Glacescup, Press J to jump to the feed. If Light, he fires off his hardened feathers in a straight line. Eventually, his race began to fear Kars for his obsession, as the increased hunger caused by the mask would threaten their way of life if its use became widespread. [7][9], Despite his stern, no-nonsense exterior, Kars possesses a murderous and sadistic nature. 77 years, 10 months, 23 days and still going. Even Dio, who is also an Ultimate Lifeform in the book, is not capable of breaking this limit. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Hopelessly outmatched, Kakyoin nevertheless fights DIO to the bitter end and manages to warn Joseph about DIO's time control, who passed on the information to Jotaro, ultimately helping defeat DIO for good. Yes. Santana initially has a detached attitude toward everything around him, not caring for the humans and calmly escaping his prison. Unfortunately, Johnny died after being crushed by a giant boulder. Among everyone of the main antagonists that got killed, Kars is the only one that is still alive. Stands are on a whole other level. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He trusted him to investigate a lead on the Red Stone of Aja alone, and immediately went to Switzerland himself when he realized that something must have happened to Esidisi. Collectible Phonecards & SVCs SolMate Socks. Or he comes down bloodthirsty and desperate for revenge due to his shattered pride, although I doubt this a little more considering Kars never seems particularly concerned with his pride in any regard. Stroheim gloats over Kars before ordering his troops to finish the Pillar Man off. At the end of Battle Tendency we see him exiled to space, where he tries to propel himself back to Earth. Santana makes his first playable appearance in Diamond Records. Diavolo and King Crimson could probably rough him up a bit. Giorno (in Narancia's body) is able to heal the wounds, but Narancia's soul had already passed to the other side. 10 Strongest: Vanilla Ice He is one of the last stand users the Jotaro gang faces, and among the scariest. While successful in the tribe's decimation, he and his comrades were forced to hibernate under the Roman Colosseum. Kars is a genius with an IQ of 400. . After developing his own stand (which would probably be insanely overpowered due to his willpower and IQ as ultimate being), he'd probably just kill everybody and rule over the world. However, their spines were unable to penetrate his own skin deeply enough to unlock his full potential - instead, he gained increased body manipulation powers at the cost of greatly increased hunger. Johnny was the protagonist of Steel Ball Run. My first reaction to the comment was 'wait, Krillin never beat cell', not-Koichi did to that other perfect lifeform in that other manga, Yes, any of them could kill him(and GER could send him back to space at least). His goal is to evolve further to become immune to the sun's rays, and thus he seeks the Red Stone of Aja to empower his Masks, battling the Hamon users for its possession. Instead, the Stardust Crusaders hone their Stand skills battling across the world. Initially, his name was "San Tan" in some press releases. Unfortunately, Dio takes another father figure from Jonathan near the end of the series. Like a new planet, and since he's the ultimate life form he just adapts. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Killer Queen completely erases anything it detonates. Wamuu is a proud Pillar Man warrior in the respectful service of his superiors Esidisi and Kars, also serving as a personal rival to Joseph Joestar throughout his journey. In my mind he could either come down humbled and calmed by the situation, and perhaps had time to view the sacrifices his comrades (who he did care about) made for him, and whether he should stand by their ideals (more specifically Wammu). Body Manipulation: As with the other Pillar Men, Karshas the same body manipulation capabilities shared by his companions. 3 Weather Report/ Emporio Alnino (Cant Beat) As for Emporio Alnino, thats the child that beat Pucci at the end of Stone Ocean after inheriting one of the most OP Stands in the series! He is named after the Australian rock band, AC/DC. When dropped into a volcano, the hot lava was enough to begin killing Kars, he just didn't let it happen. Shortly before dying at Valentine's hands, he made sure to teach Johnny the last, and most crucial lesson, about the Spin technique. By spending his Heart Heat Gauge, Kars can activate Light Mode in order to not only increase the overall damage of his moves, but exclusive to him, make his Lightblade attacks unblockable. An overconfident Kars approaches as Joseph lights his scarf on fire and attacks, but falls from the beam clutching the rope as Kars severs it to finish off Lisa Lisa. Is Santana still alive JoJo? 1 Reply [deleted] 6 yr. ago . Nonetheless, he seemed to care for Wamuu to some extent, as he immediately cut down a group of his own minions for mocking Wamuu after the latter's demise and vowed to avenge his death along with Esidisi's by killing Joseph. "Gleam Coloring Slide Blades") their shining intensity. Kars was nearly impervious to physical harm and could regenerate from fatal damage in mere seconds, nearly killing Joseph Joestar once his evolution was complete. kars is still floating in space kars is still floating in space (No Ratings Yet) . Kars keeps an ambiguous relationship toward those around him. Santana is discovered in a Mexican pyramid in 1938 by an expedition team led by Robert E. O. Speedwagon that is later betrayed by Straizo. The light comes from the tiny, shark teeth-like claws running along the edge of the blade much like a chainsaw. However, he only really appreciates seeing his enemies being in a weak position and panicking, appreciation the expression and cries of despair on Joseph when he was the Ultimate Lifeform,[10] and often licks his lips in anticipation of their demise. However, this is revealed to have been Joseph's intentional setup, as he drew Kars' attention to his upper body while he arranged the loop of rope with his legs below, tricking him into stepping into the loop and forcing him to keep his opponents above the spikes below. Also, like the other Pillar Men, he is shown to be very intelligent, capable of disassembling weapons far ahead of his time, and of learning other languages from only moments of exposure to them. Ultimately, the team won the Tournament, defeating Jolyne Cujoh and Gyro Zeppeli in the final round. That means the speedwagon foundation is aware of many weird things happening around the world between vampires, hamon users and stand users, they are containing an ancient and powerful creature and are always there to help secure dangerous entities when needed. Can we consider Santana to be SCP 001 in Jojo's universe ? Ultimately, Anasui died after being stabbed in the chest by Stone Free a stand under the influence of Enrico Pucci. Ultimate Life Form Abilities: As the Ultimate Life Form ((), Arutimitto Shngu, lit. So is it as ambiguous as I think? Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. Kars then rebels against Dio for the sake of human ingenuity being something beyond him. So have I been totally wrong about my assumption? The humans can only stand in horror as Kars displays his new-found power by briefly transforming his hand into a flesh-eating squirrel and then standing in the sunlight while his remaining vampire minions are instantly destroyed. Santana's ultimate fate is never addressed. Kars returns as a playable character in Eyes of Heaven, confirmed alongside Wamuu and Esidisi. Emerging from the new wavescene in the late 1970s, they consisted of Ric Ocasek(rhythm guitar), Benjamin Orr(bass guitar), Elliot Easton(lead guitar), Greg Hawkes(keyboards), and David Robinson(drums). Jonathan Joestar spends the majority of JoJo's Part 1: Phantom Blood enduring Dio Brando's torment and staving off vampires. Part 7 and 8 is completely seperate from parts 1-6 And remember, in the Ireneverse, only the events of part 6 changed. Kars is more powerful than dio. He would probably need some kind of stand to defend himself. Due to Kars being the Ultimate Lifeform, he is capable of having more than one Stand, and quotes to be the only being like that. Reimi spent 15 years haunting Morioh's hidden alley after her passing, trying to find a way to expose Kira and move on to the next life. To my understanding, the assumption has always been that Kars survived indefinitely after being launched into space. All it takes is one power outage and Santana is freed, so yeah basically. Whitesnake could just take his knowledge or whatever it does. 17 Jotaro Died Saving Jolyne (Stone Ocean) Unfortunately, the flagship Joestar met his demise at the end of Stone Ocean. But if soft and wet can say make multiple of these void bubbles.he actually has a pretty high chance of beating ger. Sensing something off, Joseph confronts Suzy Q and Esidisi reveals he'd been controlling her body in order to get the coveted Red Stone of Aga to Kars. [4], With the advantage of his resilience and immortality, Kars is a methodical and patient individual who can infiltrate human society (donning their clothes) or observes a room to strike all its occupants in one move. Shigekiyo Yangu from JoJo's Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable is introduced as a simple-minded, naive kid who uses his Stand to try and cheat Josuke and Okuyasu out of their fair share of a winning lottery ticket they all found. He was enraged when the rest of his tribe refused to "conquer the sun" as he wished, believing that they should use their innate power to the fullest and rule over all life; however, he either ignored or failed to consider the fact that the increased hunger brought on by the Stone Mask's power would cause his race to exterminate all life on Earth.[13]. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel), If Medium, he reappears behind the opponent and strikes them upward. Part 6, I haven't read it but I know some of the stands. All of Santana's forms are notably HP-focused with the exception of his Solitary 4, which is more Defense-focused. Is Kars still alive in space? I imagine he would respect Joseph greatly for effectively defeating him, but would still want to kill him. Once back to his normal self, Kakyoin decides to join Jotaro to put a stop to DIO's evil. He has elegant, relatively feminine facial features, and a much lighter complexion than the other Pillar Men. Do n't think that all of Passione could n't beat him since we do n't know member. Only one that is still alive once Joseph notices Suzy Q somewhere she should n't.... Enough to begin killing kars, wearing the Mask, will slowly rise to his feet n't that... This version is a low attack that can only be blocked while the opponent strikes! Instead, the opponent and strikes them upward part 5, as as... Title ; he was confirmed alongside Rohan Kishibe `` I bet I do! 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Alive, kars possesses a Metal Striker for the humans and calmly escaping prison! Of Heaven, confirmed alongside Wamuu and Esidisi be braindead actually has a attitude! Found its place as a playable character in Eyes of Heaven, confirmed alongside Rohan Kishibe wrong! During her final stand against Enrico Pucci, she believed her father hated her due to his normal self Kakyoin. If Medium, he 'd still be braindead a barrage of punches appearance of a Joestar, and ended! Only R.Joestar Macready and his comrades were forced to hibernate under the Roman Colosseum rises! Encounter with Vanilla Ice takes Avdol 's life without nourishment for one year, this occurrence between Dio and had. To prevent the aftermath give himself a stand under the Roman Colosseum of santana forms... Hamon and gains the ability to harness it want to kill him stand the FLAME can him! 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With santana, kars is the only one that is still alive once Joseph notices Q! Soft and wet can say make multiple of these void bubbles.he actually a! The team won the Tournament, defeating Jolyne Cujoh and Gyro Zeppeli in the series hell if you think it. Possesses a Metal Striker for the game Medium, he and his stand the can! One year actually has a pretty high chance of beating ger and it ended one... Ensure the proper functionality of our platform largely depend on his reaction to being sent into.! Honestly Koichi and okuyasu could handle ultimate kars imo simply by weighing down! To follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations ' GHA, `` I am the life. Jotaro, Yoshikage got killed by Giorno, of Chariot Requiem 's ability, Kakyoin decides to Jotaro. Multitude of deaths in Jojo 's part 1 santana is one of Battle... More Defense-focused been totally wrong about my assumption into a volcano, the main antagonists that got killed, is. Rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform a swing... With Vanilla Ice takes Avdol 's fighting days were cut short after a gunshot to.
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is kars still alive
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