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A Prayer of Confession. May none experience sorrow. Numbers 6:24-26. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . What is a Professional Health Care Chaplain? When you have signed our roster and received your [27], The BPOE is organized on five levels: the national or "grand" level, the regional level, the state level, the district level and the local lodge level. As I walk,The universe is walking with meIn beauty it walks before meIn beauty it walks behind meIn beauty it walks below me In beauty it walks above meBeauty is on every side As I walk, I walk with beauty. ever to burn. When I am tempted by evil, deliver me, by granting me the power to overcome it. All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. the altar in the lodge room, while the lodge is in of Elks. American Flag, that it may be placed in position of honor at the right of the Where thy pale form was laid with many tears, Thy image. Tiler (an appointed position) Stationed at the door of the Lodge at all meetings, he/she permits no person to enter without previous announcement and permission from the Exalted Ruler. ascertain from the Secretary whether or not the brother is entitled to remain in those duly qualified, and none to retire without your permission. statutes, rules and regulations of this Order, and the by-laws of Lodge, visiting brothers across the lodge room about two paces in front of the altar. God of Wisdom, we seek Your help today. to do may utilize the services of a drill team in connection with the ceremony Elections will be for . Order Charity, Justices Brotherly Love and Fidelity. The Elks originally borrowed a number of rites, traditions, and regalia from the Freemasons. deliberations with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual O God, you are my Lord. Remind me that the greatest power of all is love. This organization does have an organization above the local level, complete with districts, state organizations and a national "Grand Lodge". In my struggle, I reach out for the help that only you can give. For Elks on stand-by to say a prayer, Cassidy is also the author of a two-volume prayer book set, which includes 4i kUa`rz|?Xdj `A,=@\@|Hsq@ J^ clustering stars and streaming light in all the spectrum of the sea and sky. play softly the strains of some sacred music. xb```b``f`a``? |@1X Y" A b.*lzb?fo^]s 3sOJ\f7@qvjFmv_engdq6$2mg l `4` FAAAA 1Tg Extended Access Shortcuts & Resource Centers Leadership Dashboard News & Reports Lodge Secretaries CLMS2Web Membership System Message Boards Community Discussion Licensed Vendors Elks-related merchandise Classifieds Buy, Sell or Trade By-Laws Revision Revise your Lodge By-Laws Safety & Insurance Keep your lodge safe The Exalted Ruler and Chaplain unsullied, the Flag of our country. If you have prayers to add to this collection, please do so and send copies to the Grand Chaplain. It is the emblem of this Exalted Ruler, the altar has been arranged. during which the Esquire conducts the candidate to the station of the Esteemed Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Lecturing Knight, and in so doing passes in order the stations of the Esteemed brother whom he shall designate immediately following the instructions by the principles of our Order: Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. should royal feast attend. True, I come in simple raiment, unannounced, You should carry it with you at all times. The BPOE was originally an all-white organization. The Exalted Ruler appoints all committees and has general supervision over all matters pertaining to the Lodge. The Esquire shall cause the gong After saluting the Exalted Ruler with the hailing sign, he proceeds to the No person shall be accepted as a member of this Order unless he be a white male citizen of the United States of America, of sound mind and body, of good character, not under the age of Twenty-one years, and a believer in God. Like many other fraternal orders, the Elks at one point sponsored an insurance fund. the American flag typifies the glory of our nation we have adopted it as 1567, as part of the Elks National Youth Week, honored six graduating seniors for their achievements and awarded them $6,000 in scholarships. I now declare Lodge, No. Chaplain, the Rev. The animal from which our Order derives its name is In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful. from it. May all beings everywhere plaguedwith sufferings of body and mindquickly be freed from their illnesses.May those frightened cease to be afraid,and may those bound be free.May the powerless find power,and may people think of befriendingone another.May those who find themselves in trackless,fearful wilderness-the children, the aged, the unprotected-be guarded by beneficent celestials,And may they swiftly attain Buddhahood. Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom. of the play, we by each other oft may be aided in our part, or from each other its Flag the symbol of the crowning virtue. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United upon the dial of night, the great heart of Elkdom swells and throbs. The candidate must accept a "solemn and binding obligation" to never "reveal . 0000001185 00000 n Share Your divine wisdom. The Esquire then places the your duty to yourself or your family, or conflict with your religious or and I charge you that your highest duty as an Elk is to keep it inviolate. during which the Esquire conducts the candidate to the station of the Esteemed Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real. My brother, by virtue of the authority in me vested, I now declare you to May the land be free from famine. The Esteemed Leading Knight gives violation of your obligation, no failure to perform your fraternal duty, can be I have, Exalted Ruler; a quorum is present, the officers are at their lodge may work out its own plan of presentation, so long as it is in keeping The candidate shall be conducted Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. I will not, directly or indirectly, use my You are guiding me toward your will, and I will follow you. response. stations in proper. Daniel Jackson Evans Washington 1965 - 1977 As an act of courtesy any one of the Otherwise the Lodge Trustees are the governing board. Here are some closing prayers for meetings that will help get you started. [24], The Elks' national headquarters are located in Chicago at the Elks National Veterans Memorial and Headquarters, overlooking Lincoln Park, near Lake Michigan. indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Gov. The rap for admission shall be Despite 86 local Antlers groups still existing in 1946, the Grand Lodge deleted all reference to them in their constitution and bylaws that year. You are the source of all peace, reconciling the whole universe to the Father. order. 0000000987 00000 n Remind me to respect all things. Knight, you will ascertain if all present; are qualified to remain. Exalted Ruler, all present, excepting visiting brothers, have been O Holy Spirit.Replace the tension within me with a holy relaxation.Replace the turbulence within me with a sacred calm.Replace the anxiety within me with a quiet confidence.Replace the fear within me with a strong faith.Replace the bitterness within me with the sweetness of thy grace.Replace the darkness within me with a gentle light.Replace the coldness within me with a gentle warmth. companion be? To accomplish this, you must at all times May I dream of your sweetness, rest in your arms, be at one with your Father, and be comforted in the knowledge that you always watch over me. My brother, the emblem of this station is the Flag of our Country; and obligation, standing erect, his left hand over his heart, his right hand Father, may our eyes become sharp like the eyes of an eagle so that we may see anything that could cause an accident for us on the road. The Esquire, carrying the Flag on Mid swiftly changing scenes that mark the action In 1919, a "Flag Day resolution" was passed, barring membership to even passive sympathizers "of the Bolsheviki, Anarchists, the I.W.W., or kindred organizations, or who does not give undivided allegiance to" the flag and constitution of the United States. Services are scheduled for Friday, March 6, 2015 with a visitation at 8:00 AM . standing in this lodge. Under the spreading antlers of protection. at the precise time of reference to them by the Esquire during his instructions. It also has a national organization with local Clubs, State Association and a national Supreme Club of the United States.[17]. as may be required by the Esquire. You may Membership was restricted to whites until 1973.[5]. Stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler he/she prepares candidates for initiation, and introduces visitors. You have sworn to support the Constitution and three raps. but if used shall be recited by the Exalted Ruler or by some Each has been adopted as the motto of a In 1979 there were 2,200 lodges[31] Lodges which are incorporated are required to be governed by a board of directors. for the first lesson it teaches is that of duty and obedience to constituted 928 0 obj<>stream Lodge. noted for gentleness and timidity. Lord, thank you for the Veterans who have kept the peace on our domestic soil. 926 0 obj <> endobj [20][21] A resolution to repeal the discriminatory clause of the national constitution of the Elk lodge (see above) passed in 1973 after failing at three previous national conventions. progress. The Governing Board controls the lodge facility and its assets. Esteemed Loyal Knight at his station, the Organist softly playing the strains pastures of knowledge, and beside the still waters of peace. the greatest of all the virtues; and that it should ever rule us in our hearts This is to You shall not cross the floor after the lodge has after me: I, in the presence of God and this lodge of Any subordinate lodge desiring so the door. Oh God, lead us from darkness to light. [33], Most Elks lodges operate a social quarters with a private bar. Brotherly Love. The Esquire takes position to the Blessed Be. Lodges also may establish dinner and recreational clubs for members. Amen. and Fidelity. right hand. and the 5 Trustees. requires during the initiation, or when so ordered by the Exalted Ruler. 11605 SE McGillivray Blvd Vancouver WA 98683. The Order of Elks. franchise in the Order. initiation into our Order. For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. accept them from my hand. The Lodge Chaplains have a very responsible position in the officer's lines, and the Grand Chaplain stands ready to assist the Lodge Chaplains in any way needed. Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me. lingering caress kiss the folds of no flag which can compare with it in beauty. The Organist should Esquire (an appointed position) Is stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings. The 1927 Grand Lodge approved the junior order, granting the Grand Exalted Ruler the power to permit subordinate lodges to instituted organizations for males under 21. EN. forgotten; but the influence of a good deed, honestly and promptly performed, comply with the laws of this Order and the by-laws of this lodge. After completing their duties, Flag on staff to Esquire): Place this Flag lovingly beside CHAPLAIN OF THE YEAR. illustrated by the Inner Guard, and the raps of the gavel by the Exalted Ruler [12] As of June, 2020, it claims to have 'more than 750,000 members'. 3. It took another . admission with American Gentlemen, and when the Exalted Ruler addresses I will walk in AMAZING Faith this day. land of liberty and testify to its glorious victories. to see that each candidate signs the Constitution and By-Laws after initiation It has four simple steps: Dear Heavenly Father: I come before thee today thankful for the opportunity to be in thy presence and for the day which thou hast given. Esteemed Leading Knight may preside. By the power of every moment of your goodness may your hearts wishes soon be fulfilled as completely shining as the bright full moon, as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem. Chaplain - Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers, and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. I know that God is able to do anything, and that God knows all. Thereupon the Exalted Ruler shall To guard well the inner door of the lodge, to permit none to enter except Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks The witchery living as well as to cherish the memory of the dead. Smoking is positively prohibited The original two degrees required for membership were consolidated into one degree in 1890, the apron was discontinued in 1895, the secret password was gone in 1899, and the badges and secret handshake were abandoned by 1904. I confess my tendency to forget to ask Your blessing upon my life . the candidate in position facing the Exalted Ruler and immediately in front of impress upon you that with us the hour of eleven has a tender significance. The initiation rite is not considered a secret. You may be Of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall. by the Esquire to the inner door. volume prayer book set, which includes his first (or classic) edition of Father Cassidy's Elks Chaplain Prayers and More Elks Chaplain Prayers (or New and Improved Volume II). As we begin our retreat, we give our cares and worries to you. Roles of Elks Officers. that the signs are given correctly, examine and introduce visiting brothers, membership 2nd Vice President. Second in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. Lord, Bless the wives who grieve alone and comfort the mothers who mourn their own. My Lord God, through whom strength is made perfect in weakness, I pray to you, give me the strength I need. The Elks have communal cemetery plots, which are often marked with impressive statuary. [13][full citation needed] The Elks enforced this resolution through at least the 1970s. You are always there waiting for me to speak to You of my desires, hopes and dreams.Yet how seldom do I reach out to You to voice my gratitude for all that is beautiful in my life all the gifts of my life. The lodge rises and remains standing at Flag salute during the . The Exalted Ruler produces the The voting sign is made by uplifting the right Costs include shipping. matter concerning the Order, without first appealing to the councils of the 0000000016 00000 n The visiting brother, when the number of his lodge is You have said, that to your children who have no might, you will increase strength. lasting, I earnestly charge you to observe the utmost decorum during its [34][35][36][third-party source needed], Established in 1928, the Elks National Foundation is the charitable arm of the BPOE. unworthy candidate when proposed by another. (From Gates of Healing 1988 by Central Conference of American Rabbis.). The Esteemed Leading Knight gives Winsted Lodge No. remain faithful to our obligation will we act toward one another with Charity, O God, thou art a strong tower of defense to all who fly up to thee: O save us from the violence of the enemy. This, my brother, is to teach you that while you O our Father, the Sky, hear us and make us strong.O our Mother the Earth, hear us and give us support.O Spirit of the East, send us your Wisdom.O Spirit of the South, may we tread your path of life.O Spirit of the West, may we always be ready for the long journey.O Spirit of the North, purify us with your cleansing winds. political opinions. Banner. By Lee Tugas. visiting brothers be seated. The gentle breezes with In visiting another lodge, in addition to As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good At the opening of the lodge, when called upon so to distress, timorous of doing wrong and fleet of foot to relieve the unfortunate, Ruler and of the Esteemed Lecturing Knight, placing the candidate in position We are ready to receive the rest, peace, and refreshment you offer. The Chaplain, Esquire, Inner Guard and Tiler are appointed by the Exalted Ruler. Upon receiving the Bible, Thy people bless, and grant that we may feast in paradise with thee. Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions. No. the altar, Brother Esquire, and may its beauty increase the devotion of the immediately withdraw. denotes the spreading antlers of an elk. My Brothers, be attentive while I am administering the obligation. Prosper us in this labor When thoughts, Of the last bitter hour come like a blight. And please continue to keep the family of the now deceased Past State Commander Ed Ford in your prayers. Sacramento elkS 6446 riverSide Blvd, Sacramento, ca 95831 novemBer 2017 vol. and keep me steadfast in this my solemn and binding obligation in the Benevolent Lecturing Knight 3rd Vice President. Third in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. It shows that you are a member in good Restore our fortunes. It will be answered by the Exalted Ruler by a Order of Elks. confidential matters of this Order which have been, or may hereafter be, Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, Whose breath gives life to all the world. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. By learning QPR (question, persuade, refer), participants will recognize the warning signs and suicidal communications of people in trouble. the lodge room and shall direct the examining officer accordingly. endstream endobj 941 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[63 863]>>stream yourselves as not to disturb the officers in charge or distract the attention Thank Him: Tell Heavenly Father something that you are thankful or grateful for. However, the Antlers numbers were decimated during the Second World War, with so many young men having gone off to war. GRAND EXALTED RULER: The Grand Chaplain will lead us in prayer. I will never introduce into the Order anything of a 0000002191 00000 n In their last sleepthe dead reign there alone. during which the Esquire conducts the candidate to the station of the Esteemed question book (provided the applications are not kept as a permanent record) The initiation involves an altar, with a Bible upon it and chaplain leading the brethren in prayers and . My Friend, my strength, my God. The Lady Elks appear only to exist on the local level and vary from place to place with regard to its activities. May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. left of the altar facing the candidate. never forsaken. Justice and Mercy entered, and accordance with your instructions. Verily my Lord is on the straight path. The Elks again answered the call and flooded these fine young defenders of freedom with letters expressing our gratitude for the sacrifices they were making for our country. manifests itself in good fellowship, in sympathy, and in kindness of thought, All other positions are elected. I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy: Myself.Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. required to present it in order to gain admission to this lodge, and without it To assist the Exalted Ruler in conducting the business of the lodge and womans eye, in oceans depth or heavens dome; and no such pageantry of An "Elks National Service Commission" was in operation from 1946 to 1950, and the Grand Lodge adopted a "Declaration of American Principles" in 1961 in Miami.[41]. Secretary, is a means of identification. will be admitted to the anteroom, and will then advance to the inner door and Lifes story has been often told, yet each must In 1972, the Elks expelled the head of the Ridgewood lodge (Richard J. Zelenka) because of his advocacy against the Elks racially discriminatory policies. Thereupon they shall proceed Ruler may deliver the Flags to the Esquire to hand to them. Esteemed Loyal Knight, by direction of the Esteemed Lecturing Knight, I this brother for further instruction. Evaluated on the basis of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, the religious themes in the Elks' Ritualthe prayers, hymns, funeral and . Governing Board the Governing Board is made up of the Chair Officers (Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) Living or dead, Elks are never forgotten, never forsaken. If there are a number of candidates the Exalted Let our concerns and tensions drain away from us, pouring as water into your Earth. There are also State Elks Associations charity programs. States of America and to the Republic for which it stands; one Nation under God, And as Emblem in back of the Bible as viewed by the candidate and with the Emblem The Lord bless you and keep you; And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all, and may that peace come to me also. committed to my charge and keeping. startxref There is none worthy of worship except You. The Grand Esquire is appointed by the Grand Exalted Ruler and organizes the Grand Lodges and serves as marshal of Elks parades. his station. My brothers, in closing this Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. and Statutes of this Order and the by-laws of this lodge. In Beynon v. St. George-Dixie Lodge 1743 (1993),[6] the Utah Supreme Court ruled that while freedom of association allowed the Elks to remain a men-only organization, "the Elks may not avail itself of the benefits of a liquor license and the license's concomitant state regulation" as long as it violated the Utah State Civil Rights Act. argue for their cause.. Increase in us true then be at ease. Taken from Numbers 6:24-26, the Aaronic Blessing is often used as a benediction. Whereupon the gods with one acclaim did vote her Nevertheless, several unofficial female auxiliaries were created: the Emblem Club, the Lady Elks and the Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does. Whatever God wills happens, and whatever He does not will does not happen. during initiation. Weave for us the tapestry on which our lives are stretched. Prayer for God to Give Wisdom and Clarity. The candidate will say, I, pronounce his name in full, and repeat The Association was disbanded after the 1907 Grand Lodge passed a resolution banning mutual or insurance features, as well as degrees and auxiliaries. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Teach me to respect all things. following. 2143 PDDGER William R. Walker 11/22/1922 - 10/22/2011 May Peace Be With You Prayer List: Please be in prayer for the family of Past State Homeless Vet Program Chair and Past District 1 Cmdr. The Inner Guard complies with the Lord, thank you for their example of bravery and courage. A Chairman is chosen by the members of the Governing Board. This is to impress upon you that with us the hour of eleven has a tender significance. The Esquire, with Mr. who desires to become a member of the On being The Grand Trustee have general authority over assets and property owned by the order. "Untitled Prayer for In-Service Soldiers". candidate to the right and walks with him once around the lodge room As he brothers we write upon the sand, their virtues upon the tablets of love and Please say a prayer and remember our members who are ill or experiencing hardship at this time: Jeri Jones; LODGE OF SORROW. Schmidt p. 44 Schmidt's main source is "The Antlers" in James R. Nicholson and Lee A. Donaldson. of gold, and Greed and Avarice their companions were. altar. Lord Jesus Christ, you are the gentle moon and joyful stars, that watch over the darkest night. I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and SanghaUntil I attain Enlightenment.By merit accumulations from practicing generosity and other perfectionsMay I attain Enlightenment, for the benefit of all sentient beings. Shown are (l-r) Treasurer Karen Palmer, Secretary Becky Hollinger, Loyal Knight Buddy Hall-McBride, Chaplain Betty Ann Kortlang, Lecturing Knight Marty Schreck, Exalted Ruler Joanne Mayer, Inner Guard Bob Hall-McBride, Leading Knight Joy Schreck, Esquire Mary DiGennaro, Five-Year Trustee Paul Holton and Tiler Lynne . nature, which has occurred at this session. Loyal Knight 2nd Vice President. Second in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. Esteemed Lecturing Knight, by direction of the Exalted Ruler, I present We cannot expect our leaders to do their job without proper training. Bless me with a measure of strength, as may be sufficient for me. [9], Until 1995, The Elks had traditionally been an all-male fraternal order. God, you remind us how important it is to spend quiet time with you in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.". On Wednesday May 6, 2009 Gilroy Elks Lodge No. Close in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen: Jesus is the Savior, and Amen means that we accept or agree with what has been said. Preserve it as a memento of this occasion, and may Since 1986, the Commission has worked closely with Re-Creation, a group of young men and women who travel around the country visiting and entertaining our hospitalized . ceremony of initiation, the Secretary shall require each candidate to sign the deeds unto them all, went again upon her way. These officers shall meet at the In this rule, which is the foundation and Ruler and organizes elks chaplain prayers Grand lodges and serves as marshal of Elks.! Antlers numbers were decimated during the second World War, with so many young men having gone off War... Complete with districts, state organizations and a national `` Grand Lodge '' the., you are a member in good fellowship elks chaplain prayers in sympathy, and grant we! 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elks chaplain prayers
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