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A story truly and fully, without cover-ups or distortions. In 1740, Benjamin Franklin printed excerpts from Canassatego's speeches. These units were developed to enable students to understand, summarize, and analyze original texts of historical significance. The issue price of the bonds was $177,110. He is critical by when he mimics them of the same offer and he explains on how the children who when to the college came back useless. importance of the land to the Native The speech to the assembled Indians recalled the need for unity and a strong defense. The teacher will pair students based on ability level for a Think, Pair, Share based on Robert Moses Diary In His Own Words. The primary sources will help students understand the viewpoints of some of the major players during the French and Indian War. Cite specific evidence from the document that helps support your answer. What reason does he give for making this offer? Students will "close read" and fill in the graphic organizers with relevant ideas, vocabulary, quotations, and meanings from their specificallyassigned halfof the document on their own. Penn, for his part, urged Canassatego to remove the Delaware Indians from what was known as the Walking Purchase of 1737, which was quite controversial. MBA642-T3-A3-Prince 3 (23-01-2021).pptx, whether the NCAA sports environment changes the level of per capita income in, Market value substitution rule s 112 20 where taxpayer did not incur expenditure, Question 28 Provide 3 examples for desserts made from puff paste with a brief, V U U U U V U U V U U 452017 Assignment Print View httpeztomheducationcomhmtpx, Section 5.8 - CSC 10400_ Discrete Mathematical Structures I.pdf, QUESTION 24 a describes a partial or total loss of memory There are two subtypes, 12 Describe the properties and uses of resorcinol resin adhesives strong and, A client who is diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis.docx, Subaru crouched with perfect timing to evade the attack as if he had eyes in the, 16 A patient diagnosed with H pylori asks the nurse How an infection can occur, Its grown for us to the point that now we both feel as though were under siege. Canassategos point of view and describe your own thoughts as you fill in the chart below. If you compare Benjamin Franklin "Join or Die" and the excerpts from Robert Mosess diary, are there any direct connections? 17 Station St., Ste 3 Brookline, MA 02445. Canassatego begins by thanking the colonists for their offer. If"you"have"not"done"anything,"we"now"renew"our"request,"and"desire"you"will" . The teacher will tell students that they will be analyzing a primary source by Canassatego, chief of the Onondaga Nation and a diplomat for the Iroquois Confederacy. he is trying to point out the He was involved in several controversial land sales to colonial British officials. Cite specific evidence from the text that will help support your answer. Landings Glassware Company issues$1,150,000 of15%, 10-year bonds at 95 on February28, 2019. The assembled native Americans are wearing togas instead of their own native dress, have short, curly Roman-style hair, and meet against the background of rolling, nearly . Why are the colonists interested in changing the Native Americans? Bearden High School, Knoxville. cows"have"eat"the"grass"our"deer"used"to"feed"on. Your people daily settle on these lands, and spoil our hunting. The Virginian government sent a letter to Canassatego, an Iroquois Chief, asking if he would be willing to send some young Iroquois men to learn in a proper school. Through a step-by-step process, students will acquire the skills to analyze any primary or secondary source material. Are there any differences? Canassategos"point"of"view"and"describe"your"own"thoughts"as"you"fill"in"the"chart"below." We know our lands are now become more valuable: the white people think, we do not know their value; but we are sensible that the land is everlasting, and, the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone. . "2013"The"Gilder"Lehrman"Institute"of"American"History" In this document, Chippewa/Ojibwe Chief Minavavana reminds a visiting English trader, Alexander Henry, that his people may have defeated the French but will never defeat Minavavanas people. . Explain. Explain the purpose and use of ellipses. Students will demonstrate their understanding by "graffiting"/annotating the text; completing primary document analysis templates; participating in in-depth analysis of rhetoric and discourse, cooperative learning, and document-based questioning; and creating and responding to higher-order questions based on the text. Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income see instructions. Read aloud in your group. Copy of US H - ch 4, sec 1 The French and Indian War Document Activity.docx, Copy_of_Copy_of_Unit_3A_Using_Evidence_Indian_Removal_Act_3.0, Jheimy_Solano_-_Copy_of_Unit_2_Graphic_Organizer_Marshall_Court_2.0_.0, Jillian Pandorf - Life in the Colonies Homework- Pg 89 .docx, Unformatted text preview: Name%&______________________%% Students will be using a statement made by Chippewa (AnishinaabegorOjibwe) chief Minavavana (MihnehwehnaorMinweweh), an ally of the French. Your group will get 0/20. Why? The teacher should pose several higher-order questions to encourage a classroom discussion based on the text. Chief Canassategos speeches took place several years before the French and Indian War but show the direct relationships and sometimes turbulent alliances among the Iroquois Confederation, the colonists in Pennsylvania, and the British Crown. The entire amount is under the OASDI limit of $117,000 and thus subject to FICA. The second lesson will connect Benjamin Franklins political cartoon "Join or Die" with excerpts from Robert Mosess diary. This lesson could work well in several different units of American history or civics. "The Diplomatic Career of Canasatego". /Length 7 0 R . % %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz We are a powerful confederacy, and, by your observing the same Methods our wise Forefathers have taken, you will acquire fresh Strength and Power; therefore, whatever befalls you, never fall out with one another. He is now best known for a speech he gave at the 1744 Treaty of Lancaster, where he recommended that the British colonies emulate the Iroquois by forming a confederacy. Canassatego (c. 1684-1750) was a leader of the Onondaga nation who became a prominent diplomat and spokesman of the Iroquois Confederacy in the 1740s. Students will demonstrate learning by combining prior knowledge and primary sources to dig deeper and discover more relevant information related to the coalitions and contentions that led to the violence of the French and Indian War. Edit your canassatego in his own words answers online Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. Cite specific evidence from the text that helps support your answer. 7) . Edit your canassatego in his own words answers online. << The teacher should discuss with the students the importance of critically analyzing the specific words and sentiments expressed directly in the document. . He was about 60 years of age; very active, strong, and had a surprising liveliness in his speech, which I observed in the discourse betwixt him, Mr. Weiser, and some of the sachems. Following a literary convention by which Native American characters were used to satirize Europeans, Canassatego was portrayed as wise and honest, in stark contrast to the scheming Englishmen he encounters. He also seems to use a, Gov. on the Smartboard, ELMO, or overhead projector. Significant%Quotes%and%Interpretations% In 1740, Benjamin Franklin, printed excerpts from Canassategos speeches. He was involved in several controversial land sales to colonial British officials. Is the"Join or Die"political cartoon related to the words of Chief Canassatego? ; Vocabulary%&%Meanings% You and the French are like two edges of a pair of scissors. The student pairings can be assigned by the teacher based on the needs of the students and their levels. "This"has"given"us"great"weight"and"authority"with" We are ashamed to offer our brethren so few; but your horses and cows have eat the grass our deer used to feed on. What are some of the major symbols in Benjamin Franklins "Join or Die" cartoon and what do you think they mean? According to Canassatego, the Iroquois men need to know how to survive in nature, running, hunting, the language, and how to bare hunger. You can also download it, export it or print it out. We know our lands are now become more . " % 10/9/20 %%% The beginning of the Unabomber's campaign of terror from 1978 to 1985; a look into his childhood to discover what might have turned the young mathematical genius with few friends, Ted Kaczynski, into a sociopathic terrorist. In exchange, the Iroquois at the treaty thought they sold off a few parcels of land in eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. %PDF-1.4 Did the colonists eventually follow Chief Canassategos advice? w$6FkH\ECGro Located on the lower level of the New-York Historical Society, Making Connections Document to Document, Detecting Differences Document to Document, DocHub v5.1.1 Released! How does this document portray the relationship between the Iroquois people and the colonists? Pepsi 1989 first made in North Carolina by Caleb Bradham sold it from his drug. As you read Canassatego's speech, underline the main ideas from the text and try to understand his position on the relationship between the Iroquois people and the local colonists. fExzf=qq_w>D,nS,fip S[owo0$b>-2.SmWXC@up1:K`,Us%\JZ@~7Q8%sr+J Cite specific evidence from the document that helps support your answer. The teacher will hand out Graphic Organizer: Document Analysis and Learning and, in pairs, the students will fill in the organizer using specific evidence from the document. They no longer fitted into their society but only of the society of the white men in which they were taught their morals in their colleges. Write the correct word in the space next to given definition. /CA 1.0 Does he make this point effectively? !w5~xV^$'d =_ HNQmJC7!\Opfv:R(}DGq:iKapf\73wnci]Xw*r@;t WeWp:-v#0^ QF[#|jVdku6%]M*(i=SCw-*Y(?.b)kQMbV#keMA!{^,"#FJ&IXrvhYS. document. /Height 155 The word "Slave" came from "Slav," which refers to people who spoke Slavic languages in central and eastern Europe. For the future we, will sell no lands but when Brother Onas [the proprietor of Pennsylvania] is in, the country; and we will know beforehand the quantity of the goods we are to, receive. He was also shrewd enough when confronted by his Iroquois critics to answer that while he was a chief of the Delaware he was only a humble messenger of his "Uncles and Superiors."26 Neverthe less, he had effectively severed the bonds of You can also download it, export it or print it out. Cite specific evidence from the document that helps support your answer. Though around 1740, he became a prominent negotiator of plenty of crucial . /Producer ( Q t 4 . . They changed to fit into the new society they were sent into. This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. How does Minavavana feel about the English fur trader Alexander Henry? [citation needed]. According to Minavavana, what must his warriors do even though the war may have ended? Those words would later influence the drafting of the United States Constitution forty years later. claim to the land. After a set amount of time, students will work with their partner to begin the Pair portion of the Think, Pair, Share. Full Document, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Holocaust-Refugee Socratic Summative-2.pdf, Kami Export - Copy_of_14_Points_and_Treaty_of_Versaiiles.pdf, Remark The specific heat c v is finite at the critical point but c p c v T P T 2, The correct answer is shells 1 2 and 3 are full and shell 4 has one electron, 2 91 Insurancetakaful contract liabilities and other insurance payables 219 201, Reading Guide#1- Preparticipation Screening.pdf, Creating a Lesson Plan differentiation for Non-English and Limited-English Speakers.docx, On the supply side the lack of drying and packaging lines for fresh and dried, 54 Cognizant agencies A Are responsible for conducting governmental single, MarootaBusinessAccesoriesCompany Input.pdf, hhhhhaaaaannnndddddssss wwweeeeennnntttt ttttoooo oooonnnneeeee ooooffff, 13 A preemptive scheduling algorithm picks a process to run and then just lets, Comparison_Contrast Group Work Questions_.pdf, Multiple Choice question 35 What do the two speed permanent magnet type wiper, Analogies and Mnemonics of Appendicular Skeleton.pptx. "You are women; take the Advice of a Wise Man and remove immediately", he told the Delaware. )I$ } [%sivU>$N2SsR8}$X!Bpud K>]QTGSp7:uE/-QB>WB^0v>Z6L&yQ&kuQW!:4,{UBa2@#`b6L`R0rqo(}LA30[\nKK. . [17] Contemporary accounts that were recorded said that he was killed for taking bribes in exchange for selling tribal communal lands. Another said that he had been poisoned by agents of New France. Date&__________% Period %% /ca 1.0 He was involved in several controversial land sales to colonial British officials. Canassatego offered the representatives from Virginia to send them their son, so that they can be educated in the ways of the Native American people and to make men out of them. The teacher and students will review the homework from the first days lesson, Analyzing a Political Cartoon: Benjamin Franklin "Join or Die," or complete the analysis in class if it was not assigned as homework. Men on both sides gave many great speeches. In 1744, Canassatego served as a speaker at meetings to negotiate the Treaty of Lancaster. . Themes related to the French and Indian War include: American Indian history, the age of exploration, European and Native American relations, colonial and Native American relations, colonization, the thirteen colonies, imperialism, land ownership, the Seven Years War, English and French colonial conflict, the Iroquois Confederacy, early conflicts between the colonies and England, causes of the American Revolution, differences between European and American Indian societies and cultures, and several other related topics. The primary document analysis template (In His Own Words), reading and analysis template (Document Analysis & Learning), and document comparison template (Making Connections & Detecting Differences) can be used across many grade levels, from elementary to AP classes, if adapted with different documents or appropriate curriculum-level activities. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> He made similar recommendations about colonial unity at another conference in 1745. [9] Virginia got the better part of the deal, however: although Canassatego and other Iroquois leaders believed that they had sold only the Shenandoah Valley to Virginia, the official deed gave Virginia much more land than that.[10]. Witham Marshe, a Marylander in attendance, recorded the only written description of Canassatego: The first of these sachems (or chiefs) was a tall, wellmade man; had a very full chest, and brawny limbs. H If the system of linear equations below has no solutionI and a is a constant, what is the value of a? With King George's War underway, the British colonies needed to cultivate a good relationship with their Iroquois neighbors, who might otherwise become French allies. If its an angry letter or a respectful letter, in this case a respectful one that is polite on his part. Students will demonstrate their understanding by "graffiting"/annotating the text; completing primary document analysis templates; participating in in-depth analysis of rhetoric and discourse, cooperative learning, and document-based questioning; and creating and responding to higher order questions based on the text. >> [18], A fictional version of Canasatego was featured in the 1755 novel Lydia: or Filial Piety, by English writer John Shebbeare. ;,(,W%30igF'xzJIX6&`WAy.E=NP0G;-ELk:#! Director Michael Pack Writer Michael Pack Stars Clarence Thomas Joe Biden (archive footage) The Letter from the Seneca Chiefs to George Washington (1790) recounts the relationship of the Six Nations and the United States and entreats the leaders of the United States to honor their words and treaties. His reason for saying he knows they mean well is to display what kind of tone and attitude his letter is written in. Decent Essays. Some of the major motivations behind the French and Indian War included, but were not limited to, protection of ancestral lands, acquisition of new territory and imperial power, and self-preservation. Share reading will also help students hear, see, and read aloud the major sentiments and the point of view presented in the document prior to their close-reading exercise. The Native's believe men need to be one with nature, the whites do not. 02. GRAPHING DISTANCE VS_ TIME - Key.doc. testimony"of"our"regard."."."." with prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in Canaatego's Anwer to the Governor's Speech delivered in the Morning. 8 . The student pairings can be assigned by the teacher based on the needs of the students and their levels. What counteroffer does Canassatego make to the representatives from Virginia? This has made us formidable. Click the card to flip . The king of France? }vu0Sm(wY@NCA} F;)1R}u4I/"Xc8Ns'OO MajM9^f!&M9w:**h C8Oid ;MVX13us]"t?y5/ +9#Am2\.c]r "As"you"read"Canassategos"speech,"underline"the"main"ideas"from"the"text"and" As you read Canassategos speech, underline the main ideas from the text and try to understand his position on the relationship between the Iroquois people and the local colonists. the"few"goods"we"receive"for"it"are"soon"worn"out"and"gone. Robert Moses, Diary, July 12September 15, 1755. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. will"sell"no"lands"but"when"Brother"Onas"[the"proprietor"of"Pennsylvania]"is"in" We are a powerful Confederacy, and by your observing the same methods our wise forefathers have taken you will acquire fresh strength and power; therefore, whatever befalls you, do not fall out with one another. 530. . %%- reasonable, understanding, Example()sensible) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" As you read Canassatego's speech, underline the main ideas from the text and try to understand his position on the relationship between the Iroquois people and the local colonists. endobj Documentary offering a view on Maison Martin Margiela during Martin Margiela's helm. Make certain that students understand that the original text has been excerpted for this lesson. "Besides,"we"are"not"well"used"with"respect"to"the"lands"still"unsold"by" . He made similar recommendations about colonial unity at another conference in 1745. The teacher will have to be sure the students are appropriately prepared for this unit/lesson. Documentary Biography A controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. Students will be using Benjamin Franklins "Join or Die" political cartoon and the diary of Robert Moses, a member of the New Hampshire militia during the French and Indian War, in this lesson. This beginning might affect the colonist in a surprised way because they believe the Native American's were uncivilized and savages, so they wouldn't expect them to respond in such a respectful way. After a set amount of time, students will work with their partner to begin thePairportion of the Think, Pair, Share, communicating the information from the two sections of the text. I think Canassatego effectively passes this point out. If you have not done anything, we now renew our request, and desire you will inform the person whose people are seated on our lands, that that country belongs to us, in right of conquest; we having bought it with our blood, and taken it from our enemies in fair war. It may take the students time to find this thread because overall there are more differences than similarities between the documents. Copy of US H - ch 4, sec 1 The French and Indian War Document Activity.docx, MIM DEY - Canassatego-In His Own Words.pdf, Native American society before and after European contact, Holocaust-Refugee Socratic Summative-2.pdf, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Challenging time for Indian railways.docx, Huynh_MT1808182_Unit 7 Video Questions.pdf, Project preconstruction meetings These meetings are between key project, Clear my choice 71522 1145 AM Progress test 1 page 1 of 5 httpslms, The second related format is to facilitate direct payments from consumers to, As a result if the child is over 17 years of age this option cannot be used Home, nitrofurantoin Macrodantin Macrobid fosfomycin Monurol Recurrent UTI o Repeat, The law of demand implies that Select one a as price falls demand increases b as, The monitoring and evaluation of outputs action plan result of activity and, Arbitration is an expensive procedure and the expenses are to be shared by the, Unit 6 Leases tutorials solutions 2019.docx, Use the given Venn diagram which shows the number of elements in regions I, Project 2 Bus 206 Ethical Test or Frame work.docx, 25) On January 1, 2018, Ling Services issued $168,000 of six-year, 12% bonds when the market interest rate was 11%. >> According to Robert Mosess diary, what is it like fighting in the French and Indian War? 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canassatego in his own words