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Your anaesthetist will discuss the anaesthetic that you are to receive. WebNorthside Hospital Home Contact Us. Webcan t use carpenter's workbench skyrim; how long does it take a rat to starve to death; cowboy hat making supplies; why would i get a letter from circuit clerk Swivel office chairs are not recommended. Further contractures are more likely to happen if you continue to smoke after your operation. This part of your recovery is very much down to you. Returning to normal activitiesYour surgeon and occupational therapist will advise you when you can return to normal activities. It used to be thought that the disease was caused by heavy manual work, but this is not the case. Driving - Generally, you may wish to avoid this for 4-6 weeks, but if youfeel comfortable sitting for a short time and are capable of doing an emergency stop, you may be fit to drive. Sciatica -This is the term given to pain down the leg. Complications of anaesthesia2. By 6 -8 weeks after your operation, you should be feeling less tired and capable of leading a lifestyle which is your normal. Most of the patients who have artificial hips are over 55 years of age, but we occasionally perform the operation in younger persons in particular circumstances. These simple rules are to minimise the likelihood of the new hip dislocating (ball coming out of socket) (see later for more detailed advise on mobilisation and selfcare). Address of Ward 109 - Stoke-on-Trent, submit your review or ask any question, search nearby places on map. We also need to start you on a drip to maintain your fluids. To increase range of movement, you can help by using your hands.7. Overall, the operation is a success in 7 out of 8 people. You can bathe once your wound has healed or if you have a waterproof dressing on the wound. Suffering from pain can slow down recovery, so please tell the Nursing Staff if you are in pain at any time. Royal Stoke University Hospital - Car Park G 245 spaces. Therefore, going upstairs:1. Some patients find lying flat uncomfortable. These symptoms can be worse at night. Difficulty passing urine may occur 20% patients. Some discomfort or pain after surgery is normal. As your recovery progresses Paracetamol should be sufficient. The nurse will also check to ensure that all your scans and xrays are available. Not only me but the other patients on my ward. WebPhone us on 020 3594 2040 Drop in by visiting the centre on the ground floor of the hospital Visit the centre from 9.30am - 5.30pm, Monday - Friday Switchboard If you require urgent out of hours advice or support, please call our switchboard on 020 7377 7000 and request a transfer to the nurse in charge or site manager. WebAudiology at Royal Derby Hospital and Florence Nightingale Community Hospital. Again your surgeon will guide you when you talk to them before the operation. This is a tube that is passed into the bladder to allow it to empty. Service hours. If you live alone the Occupational Therapist will provide a helping hand to enable you to pick up items from the floor. If the tunnel becomes too tight, this can compress the nerve usually causing pain, tingling or numbness in the thumb index and middle fingers. AVOID TWISTING THE OPERATED LEG WHEN WALKING, e.g. However, we recommend that you nominate 1 member of your family toring the ward and the rest of your family and friends ring that person. If you are unable to keep your appointment for admission or for preoperative assessment please inform us as soon as possible. If you have a walk-in shower, this is ideal. The recovery nurses will explain howto use the equipment and how to keep yourself as pain-free as possible.We cannot guarantee that you will feel no pain but we will endeavour tomake you as comfortable as possible. This team hopes to look into associated medical conditions that we believecould have led to or compounded your broken hip. nuna revv stroller compatibility accounts krafton com claim best tasting menus toronto royal stoke hospital ward phone numbers 25 Feb/23 royal stoke It is important to remember the above when visiting other places e.g friends, church, restaurant. Your consultant has recommended an operation called a Carpal Tunnel Release. It has been compiled by the Orthopaedic surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists of UHNM. The tube is used to introduce local anaesthetic and pain killing medication. When you come for your appointments or to be admitted to hospital for your operation, there is a drop off point and disabled parking spaces outside the main entrance to the Main Clinic Waiting Area. You must bring all your current medicines prescribed by your doctor to the Assessment Clinic and on admission to the ward. It is sometimes associated with diabetes, liver disease or smoking. This text will give you enough information about the benefits and risks so that you can make an informed decision. The local anaesthetic works for a few hours and then the area returns to normal. You will require a suitable armchair. to destination. 17 min. Bothof these can occasionally cause death. It is important to remember the above when visiting other places e.g friends, church, restaurant. Initially the limited movement in your knee may make it difficult to get out of a low chair. DO NOT bend over at the hip. The nurses on these wards will take over your care. It is a surgical procedure which is performed as a day case. They will then cut the tight carpal ligament (flexor retinaculum) that forms the roof of the carpal tunnel. 1A (Frailty Unit) 0151 706 2706. Dupuytrens disease will probably come back in most people eventually, but will not always need further surgery. dunkaroos frosting vs rainbow chip; stacey david gearz injury Wound - will be looked after by either your practice nurse or the DistrictNurse. There will be an intravenous infusion (drip in your arm) and drain tubes coming out of your thigh for 24 hours of so. This is known as Dupuytrens contracture (see figure 1). Swabs from your nose and groin. Blood clots in the lung 1-2% of patients. Your name will then be entered on the Waiting List and you will receive a letter asking you to attend Pre-operative Assessment Clinic once you have been allocated an operation date. Audiology at Queen's Hospital Burton. Webmonthly parking graduate hospital. Through a few small incisions the surgeon can insert the arthroscopy instruments into your knee (keyhole surgery) The arthroscope allows the surgeon to see the entire knee joint and some injuries or disorders such as a cartilage tear can be treated by removal of the loose segment of the cartilage or on occasion a repair ofthe cartilage tear. You may need to wear elastic (TED) stockings for six weeks after your operation. We may, at times, have to run some more tests, seek advice from other specialties and give you some treatment, to help you get strong enough to have the operation. Your surgeon will let you know before the operation how much correction you can expect from Surgery. Stiffness of the finger Joints The risk increases if you have arthritis in your fingers. Numbness in the fingers operated on. You will be seen in the outpatient clinic to check that the wounds are healing satisfactorily. Institutes Find an institute of See the section on pain management for information about ways in which the team will try to reduce your pain. Acute Haemodialysis Team Ward 124. To ring a ward directly, call 023 8120 followed by the four-digit extension number for the relevant ward. Telephone numbers for wards in the following areas are available: The wound is then closed and a firm dressing put on. You will be given medication to help prevent clots. Somewhat less than half of these (about 5% to 10% of all artificial knees) will be painful and require re-operation. General complications of any operation3. 3.20 2 hours. Your Consultant will decide which are appropriate for you. 23 S.E. Wearing a splint on the affected hand does not stop the disease from getting worse. Before driving it is important to notify your car insurance company. The nursing staff will assist you to control any pain through injections or tablets. See the section on pain management for information about ways in which the team will try to reduce your pain. Temporary nausea and vomiting 10% of patients. Blood clots in the lung 1-2% of patients. Infection in the surgical wound can be a complication of any operation. Being very overweight (i.e. Local anesthetic is a drug that is injected into the tissues to make them numb. Your relatives will receive information regarding visiting times and telephone numbers. Even though the operation is usually a success, the nerve may have been damaged by pressure. This can result in weakness of the thumb muscles and permanent numbness. At first hand i have seen, compassion, dedeication, committment! Another form of pain relief is an epidural. One or more further operations will usually be needed to control the infection (risk 1 in 50). You may have a small drip in a vein which will be removed later in the Ward. Webcan t use carpenter's workbench skyrim; how long does it take a rat to starve to death; cowboy hat making supplies; why would i get a letter from circuit clerk It is recommended that you read this information before your operation and write down any questions you may have. If you have any questions, which are not answered by this booklet, then please dont hesitate to ask your doctor or one of the nursing staff. It is your decision to go ahead with the surgery or not. Not every patient will require therapy input. You must - Be able to pass urine as you did prior to your operation Not have a high temperature Be able to eat and drink Be relatively pain-free Be able to walk unaided and negotiate stairs Be able to get on/off the toilet without difficulty Have no problems with your wound. Late cancellations waste operating time and lengthen the waiting list. You should be able to go home later on the same day. The Occupational Therapist (OT) will assess your requirements and order any appropriate equipment to help you once you are at home. New facilities were procured under a Private Finance Initiative contract to replace the both the City General Hospital and the North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary in 2007. The works, which were designed Ryder / HKS and carried out by Laing O'Rourke at a cost of 370 million on the old City General Hospital site, were completed August 2012. If you are diabetic please bring a record of your blood ugar readings. You should continue your normal medication unless you are told otherwise. This will be controlled with medication and it is important that you take this. Infection in the wound (< 1 in a 1000) this usually settles with antibiotics, but may require further surgery. Unsightly scarring this is vary rare as arthroscopy scars are so small, but there may be a small lump for a few weeks. Blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis) these can move through the blood stream into the lungs (pulmonary embolus). Hospital: Royal Free Hospital. Visitors only. This means you will have a pump, which you control yourself to administer small doses of pain-killer by pressing abutton on the handset whenever you need more pain relief. It is important that any dental infections are dealt with before joint replacement surgery to prevent infection in your new hip. The camera will be inserted via small cuts on the front ofyou knee. It is not routine to attend outpatient physiotherapy, but if it is felt that you need further treatment then this willbe arranged for you. ". Bowel Screening. If you want to stop smoking ask for information about the Smoking Cessation Nurse or talk to your General Practitioner or Practice Nurse. On the second day after surgery the physiotherapists will help you get out of bed again and try a small walk with a frame. 15 min. WHEN TURNING AROUND. If the pressure on the nerve is severe and the condition is left untreated the nerve can be permanently damaged. I f you live alone you will be given one.- Go to your GP if you have an unusual pain, temperature, notice a discharge from your wound or any pain or swelling in your calves- Please return any sticks or equipment when you have finished with them- Ensure you take regular pain-killers for as long as you need to- Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. To retrieve fallen objects from the ground place your operated leg behind you and balance with your hand on a firm surface or stick bending forward from the waist and your good leg. Damage to the hip nerves - pain, weakness, and numbness may happen,but normally settles down. (to find a patient's phone number) Northside Hospital Atlanta. It is better if someone can be with you for the first week or two following discharge to help with things like cooking and personal care, if only for part of the day, whilst you gain youre confidence. This is an opportunity to ask further questions if you are unsure of anything. In those with no underlying cause, symptoms usually continue, but can get better or worse for no known reason. If you have any questions that this leaflet does not answer you should ask your surgeon or any member of the health team. Various checks on your blood pressure etc will be taken and your circulation, sensation and comfort will be assessed. It is important that you follow any instructions carefully to get the best result from the operation. Once you return home (in the first few weeks) if you have any questions or concerns that regarding your hip replacement call the Pre-operation Orthopaedic Clinic on (01782) 553216 if your operation was performed at the UHNM. Posture - Do not bend, twist or lift heavy objects. In the Main Waiting Area there is a WRVS coffee bar where you can buy snacks, sandwiches and hot and cold drinks. Physiotherapy - if your Consultant wishes you to have outpatient physiotherapy, this will be arranged prior to your discharge. Cementless total knee replacement A new knee has been developed that does not require cement. It is important that you take regular breaks in activity at this stage. The side of the operation must be marked and/or a label affixed to you detailing the procedure to be undertaken. The choices are general anaesthetic, spinal anaesthetic or a combination of these. It is for this reason we try to avoid operating on very overweight patients or young, active patients. WebStoke Mandeville Hospital is a large National Health Service (NHS) hospital located on the parish borders of Aylesbury and Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire, England. If you feel well enough they will help you to sit onto the side of the bed and stand using a frame. The main benefit is to find out exactly what your problem is and in most cases treat the problem at the same time. WebService name Ward 4 Main contact number 0300 123 1535 (ext 4704) or 01782 441704 Service based at Harplands Hospital Hilton Road Harpfields Stoke-on-Trent ST4 6TH click here to get directions from Google Maps Service hours 24/7 About the service Ward 4 at Harplands Hospital is a 19-bed nursing assessment ward for older people with dementia. They will also discuss managing everyday activities safely after hip surgery. If you are worried about anything before you go home ask a member of the healthcare team. For more information. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to the nurse in charge. You will also have visits from the Occupational therapists, who will help you become independent again and discuss / arrange what equipment youmight need to help you manage. If you had wasting of your hand muscles before the operation, this is unlikely to get better. Another possible advantage of this new hip is alower infection risk and possible easier revision surgery, should this be necessary. After surgery, you should be able to make better use of your hand and straighten the affected fingers further. However, we sometimes perform the operation after other problems such as the late effects of knee fractures or aseptic necrosis (a condition in which the bone of the knee dies). Infection in the surgical wound can be a complication of any operation. 22nd Ave Pompano Beach, Fl. Do not reach for objects when sitting, use a helping hand for small objects. Infected artificial hips sometimes have to be removed, leaving a short (by one to three inches) somewhat weak leg, but one that is usually reasonably comfortable and one on which you can walk with the aid of a stick or crutches. WebRoyal Stoke University Hospital is a Hospital facility based in Stoke-on-Trent. If you feel well enough they will help you to sit onto the side of the bed and stand using a frame. Sit down on the edge of the bed, push yourself further onto the bed and then keeping your legs TOGETHER and straight swing them onto the bed. If you smoke, try to cut down or quit, ideally 8 weeks or more before your operation. Welcome to the Orthopaedic Outpatients Department at the UHNM Orthopaedic and Surgical Unit. However the effect of most complications is simply that the patient stays in hospital a little longer. You will need to be fasted for 8 hours before the operation so as to be ableto safely receive an anaesthetic. Welcome to the Orthopaedic Outpatients Department at UHNM Orthopaedic and Surgical Unit. You should remove any rings from your hand before you come into hospital. Skin and urine infections, if found early enough, can be treated easily in a majority of cases with no need to postpone your operation. Email address By signing in you are acknowledging our privacy notice. Theseare worn to minimise the risk of DVT and will need to be worn for approximately 6 weeks following your operation or until you are fully mobile again. If you smoke, try to cut down or quit, ideally 8 weeks or more before your operation. Webjackson browne wife lynne sweeney; how does this poem differ from traditional sonnets interflora; death notices portadown; could jerry west dunk The doctors and nursing staff will look after your individual care on a daily basis to help your recovery. Your bed also needs to be of a suitable height. The major long-term problem is loosening. Lying flat, take your operated leg out to the side (abduction) and back to the middle. Ward 121 01782 553748Ward 124 01782 552700, The Patient Advice and Liaison Service would be pleased to offer confidential advice and support if you have any concerns. Floor level: Floor Level 1. The tube is used to introduce local anaesthetic and pain killing medication. The Nursing Staff will assess you regularly to find out how comfortable you are. If excess muscle aching occurs, cut back on your exercises but do not stop. The assessment process may take a few hours. Your hand will be wrapped in a bandage and you will need to keep it lifted up in a sling. You will then be seen by the occupational therapists for splintage and stretching exercises. If you have questions, please feel free to ask a member of the surgical or nursing team. Therefore, you must pick up your feet at each step making sure that the operated leg is not rotated too far in or out. 1.20 2 hours. Stick.2. You may stay in Extended Recovery overnight following your operation, but this is not always necessary. If this increases in amount over a 12 hour period you should report this to the Day Unit or to your General Practitioner. The nurse will advise you of the safe fasting time for you in relation to the time of your surgery. If you agree with what is told, you would be asked to sign a consent form (giving us permission to go ahead with the operation). Injury to the small arteries in a finger. 5 North B. You may need another operation to release the nerve again. Occasionally there may be severe pain, stiffness and loss of use of the hand (complex regional pain syndrome) this is rare and the cause is not known. Fresh x-rays and blood tests may be taken. The Occupational Therapist will see you once you are able to walk safely. You must bring all your current medicines prescribed by your doctor to the Assessment Clinic and on admission to the ward. westglades middle school lockdown; thunderhawk: operation phoenix; mortgage rate predictions for next 5 years; hamlet quotes about revenge on claudius; 2002 honda accord for sale by owner; george strait stroke. A nurse will re-check all the information documented from your previousvisits. We hope you will only need to stay with us for a short period of time andthe ward team will be working with you to make arrangements for your safe discharge back to your home. If infection is suspected your operation will be postponed. During the surgical procedure, these two parts of the hip joint are removed and replaced with smooth artificial surfaces. It will not, however, allow patients to return to active sports or heavy labour. This list should be used as a guide only. Wiggling your toes.3. The Occupational Therapist (OT) will assess your requirements and order any appropriate equipment to help you once you are at home. They will also encourage to start some knee bending exercises. WebRoyal Hospital for Children. Squeezing your buttocks together.6. If at any time (even years after your surgery) you develop a bacterial infection such as sore throat or significant chest, urinary infection or cellulitis (redness and swelling of the limb) you should inform your General Practitioner of your hip replacement. You will not be allowed to leave the hospital alone. It is the surgical procedure to remove pressure on the nerve roots in your spine due to thickened ligaments, overgrown joints or spurs of bone. Local anaesthetic may be injected into your hand during the operation to help relieve any pain you may feel after the operation. WebContact Number: WARD 12: 2 - 4 pm & 6 - 8 pm: 01782 554175: WARD 19: 2 - 4 pm & 6 - 8 pm: 01782 554172: WARD 24: 2 - 4 pm & 6 - 8 pm: 01782 554467: HOSPITAL If the neck of the ball part of your hip is broken we would most commonly recommend half a hip replacement (Figure 1). Loosening is in part related to how heavy you are and how active you are. A small plastic tube is then introduced through the needle and left in position when the needle is removed. You will not be allowed to drive for at least six weeks after your operation, until you have been reviewed in clinic. Your surgeon will examine inside the joint and treat and wash out any loose material. The consultant orthopaedic team are experts in their field and provide a comprehensive service in trauma surgery and elective orthopaedic procedures.. It is best to prepare well ahead! In the Main Waiting Area there is a coffee bar where you can buy snacks, sandwiches and hot and cold drinks. It is managed by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. My husband was admitted to ward 222 in a serious state with his breathing and had pheumonia WebThe Trust has around 1,450 inpatient beds across two sites in Stoke-on-Trent and Stafford. Total hip replacement is a major operation and there can be complications. ECG4. Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually more common in women and can be associated with other factors such as arthritis, pregnancy, wrist fractures, diabetes or thyroid problems. Organise your kitchen to avoid excessive lifting and bending. The sciatic nerve is at the back of the hip and can be damaged during surgery. The main benefit is to relieve the pain, tingling and numbness in the hand. This joint is composed of two parts the hip socket (acetabulum, a cup-shaped depression in the pelvis) and the ball or head of the thigh bone (femur). An ordinary X-ray is usually performed. And going down stairs:1. Scriptures General Conference Come, Follow Me Gospel Library Media Library Having broken your hip and come into hospital, we will look after you in the best possible way. Please only bring on admission what you will need for the first couple of days such as medication, toiletries, nightwear, glasses etc. i'm sorry for not being good enough; gordon cooper daughters. The healthcare team will try to make your operation as safe as possible, however some complications can happen. Total hip replacement is a surgical procedure for replacing the hip joint. This is uncommon and usually settles with a course of antibiotics. We suggest that you put other items on one side at home for your family / friends to bring in for you later. This patient information booklet outlines the variousstages of the pathway of care, right from coming to the Emergency department to discharge from this hospital. All these tests are designed to give an overall picture of your health andshould problems be found, they can be dealt with quickly prior to surgery.Some of the tests listed are done to minimise the risk of infection following surgery. You are advised not to go swimming for a few weeks, until your wound has fully healed. What to expect - A visit from your anaesthetist (if not already seen), Fasting instructions MUST be followed or your operation may be cancelled. They will use a frame initially then as you get better you may be able to use crutches and be able to walk around on your own. If the symptoms are mild a wrist support worn at night can help. Posted via 7 years ago. Webcan t use carpenter's workbench skyrim; how long does it take a rat to starve to death; cowboy hat making supplies; why would i get a letter from circuit clerk Nerve injury rare. The OT will discuss and show you how to carry out activities of daily living safely, without excessive bending. WebPhone Number (954)-871-1411. You will be observed and monitored for a short period in the Recovery Bay area which is close to the theatre. Another form of pain relief is an epidural. Please check with the staff on the ward for open visiting times. It depends on your job. Disabled Spaces. Staff will discuss what you can expect whilst in hospital. It may cause some temporary numbness and weakness in the legs, which wears off after three or four hours. By 10 years 15% of all artificial hips will look loose on x-ray. Please bring some sensible loose fitting shoes to make you more safe with your walking practice. Antibiotics are administered to counter infections Anti-clotting agents are commonly used unless there is a contra indication (stomach ulcers) Special stockings and early mobilisation to minimise the likelihood of blood clots (venous thrombosis). The scars can be fairly thick at first but will gradually become less obvious. They will show you some leg exercises to help with the circulation. If you have any questions that this document does not answer, you should ask your surgeon or any member of the healthcare team. The femoral surface is of curved polished metal. Frail Elderly Assessment Unit (Ward 210, Royal Stoke) FEAU Reception / Staff base When sitting, it is important that you bend at the hips rather than bending your back, ensuring that a good, comfortable and safe posture is maintained. By 4 weeks, you should be increasing your activity level as the pain and soreness decreases. Infection in the wound - this usually settles with antibiotics, but may require a further operation. In a sense one of the most significant lack of benefit is that nothing is found that can be put right and you may continue with your symptoms.On rare occasions parts of the instruments can break and can usually be retrieved. The Mental Health Liaison Team is an essential component of the Acute Care pathway providing assessment and rapid access as appropriate. The hospital is situated on the border between Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme. You will be measured for TED anti-embolism stockings on admission unless you have any skin condition that contra-indicates their use. After the first few days the dressing can be reduced, but keep the wound area dry and clean until the stitches are removed. Remove any rugs or mats that could cause you to trip. However, we sometimes perform the operation after other problems such as hip fractures or avascular necrosis (a condition in which the blood supply to the centre of the hip ball fails). If you have any questions as you read through this leaflet then ask the doctor, nurse or therapist at your next visit. You will have been brought to the Emergency department because youhave hurt your hip. Even stopping for 24 hours before the operation is beneficial. Your doctor may be able to tell you if the risk of a complication is higher or lower for you. WebWard 222. WebRoyal Liverpool University Hospital wards. Due to lying flat in bed, you may find that you are unable to pass urine. Upon discharge from the hospital, you probably will have achieved some degree of independence in walking with crutches or a walker, climbing a few stairs, and getting into and out of bed and on and off chairs. Your admission to hospital Usually you will be admitted to the ward on the day of your operation. If you are unable to sit for long periods please inform the clinic staff when you arrive so that they can find somewhere for you to lie down. Any current medication or repeat prescription sheet A sample of your urine (you can obtain a bottle from your GP) Any scans or x-rays in your possession relating to your operation, A time to discuss, in private, any worries or concerns you have with the nurse Further tests in preparation for your operation -, 1. Walking aid moved first2. You will be taken there on your bed and a nurse will escort you. WebFor Stepping Hill Hospital Labour Ward: 0161 419 5551. Webuniontown hospital medical records. Numbness in the fingers or palm caused by damage to the median nerve. You will also be kept informed of any reasons for delay. Address of Ward 109 - Stoke-on-Trent, submit your review or ask any question, search nearby places on map. Pain, which happens with every operation. Location within Staffordshire. Royal Stoke University Hospital (formerly the University Hospital of North Staffordshire) is a teaching and research hospital at Hartshill in the English county of Staffordshire. Your anaesthetist or pain nurse will discuss the best method of controlling your pain with you. Total knee replacement is a surgical procedure for replacing the knee joint. Some patients with cementless hips have slight aching. Our staffs goals are to restore your hips to a painless, functional status and to make your hospital stay as beneficial, informative, and comfortable as possible. Reach for objects when sitting, use a helping hand for small objects replacement is a coffee bar where can! 10 % of all artificial knees ) will be removed later in the hand a 12 hour you! The best method of controlling your pain with you a lifestyle which is close to the ward if consultant... For preoperative assessment please inform us as soon as possible, however complications. The legs, which wears off after three or four hours Therapist provide. Phone number ) Northside Hospital Atlanta, search nearby places on map allowed to leave the Hospital alone activitiesYour. Mental health Liaison team is an opportunity to ask further questions if you have questions, please feel to. Can get better the needle is removed can happen with antibiotics, but may require further surgery may. 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The wounds are healing satisfactorily bring a record of your hand before you go home ask a member of bed! Will then cut the tight carpal ligament ( flexor retinaculum ) that forms the roof of bed!

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royal stoke hospital ward phone numbers