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Normal vital signs. As compared with current older adults, what is the upcoming baby boomer generation (born between 1946 and 1964) expected to have? What factors can affect screening instrument validity? However, how many stages does the most common stage classification provide for? 148. Outpatients may be presented similarly to inpatients. 130. Within the academic setting, confidentiality is not withheld if there is compelling evidence that the supervisee is impaired or unable to provide competent counseling services. Im not getting alongwell with the people at work. 31. 102. You may also drop off any application or items in our mailbox outside our office building. A survivor of past abuse herself, the counselor finds this deeply disturbing. WebA well-written Service Request Form will maximize the likelihood of timely service authorization approvals to facilitate the delivery of effective and appropriate substance use disorder (SUD) services. a. CR and CM are most effective if used together. 68 0 obj <>stream p/MJJ5}f)))))))$+/wC@"JH2JDhC:W"iq@$$d qlXKI]) Failure to diagnose can lead to significant morbidity. 79 0 obj <>stream The process is repeated until there are no more questions. Or if the student had 4 patients to work up, it should take 10 minutes to present all 4 patients to the preceptor? How many levels of treatment placement are recognized by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)? a. faire ses devoirs 20. 11. a. What is the MOST common symptom of Wernicke's encephalopathy? Generally, oral case presentations are brief and should be limited to 510 minutes. In a client's efforts to maintain emotional and psychological balance, what does the term bookend refer to? Which of the following conditions does alcohol NOT induce? Test of Moral Traces: Was expediency, politics, or self-interest involved in the decision? 112. What is the most likely period in life for a substance abuse problem to begin? What do these guidelines address? How must assessment information be handled to be the MOST effective? Include the 90. In providing case management services, beyond providing seamless care and being client focused, what is the primary aim? )(V2 PCqVK!-jw NtWC{G*O_ Bi#8m5@H)=" tk|}5.Zh[!UUHMd a. Consultation and Review of the Literature, Assess the potential consequences for all parties involved, Eliminate options that clearly do not give desired results, Review selected course of action to determine if it presents any new ethical considerations. She is disturbed at the illicit nature of the drug and the long-standing use. WebOutline Clinical Case Presentation 1. Student will type written portion of case presentation for each class member and the instructor. 1. 70. Supervisory roles assumed by Dr. Scarborough include teacher, evaluator, consultant, and counselor. 4. The Addiction Severity Index has been formally adopted by which organization? Describe the feelings you were experiencing toward the client in the session. 113. v. Elective mitral valve commisurotomy is scheduled, but the patient is admitted to hospital early because of increased burning pain in her feet and a painful right leg. Helped me to organize relevant data for identifying goals and planning strategies with my client, 23. In what setting is the therapeutic community (TC) treatment model MOST effective? Share any personal reflections on the session. Thus, developing a familiarity with the core elements of a strong oral case presentation is essential. You should begin every oral presentation with a brief one-liner that contains the patients name, age, relevant past medical history, and chief complaint. 124. You should conclude your presentation with the assessment and plan. ii. According the DSM-5 criteria, a client that has previously met the criteria for stimulant use disorder but now has not met the criteria for stimulant use in 10 months (except for craving) would be termed to be in ______ remission. Powered by Constant Contact - Email you can trust. 131. }~trin91?L^Ot]|^*g'}z~9Z,PuaCntr2g7oX+*fU89Tw A'2mAt*w^1:"B3a1`8V9@?UVTLNd|=L")x%c"uX':EFr{L;zG`sQ{h6\M71y] X. Examples of strengths include mindfulness, self-control, resilience and self-confidence. 190 North Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572 Avoiding client challenges of records and documentation. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 2, addresses client confidentiality. Ergotism is rare and therefore difficult to diagnose. Structured group supervision (SGS): A pilot study. Individual Supervisor: 1 = needs improvement;2 = adequate;3 = good;4 = a strength of the student5 = excels in this area. If this was your client, what would be reasonable and productive goals for the next session? What would have added to the session? Very different types of groups with very different purposes. 25. To which of the following do assessment processes and instruments NOT need be sensitive? Audio and videotapes, live observation, and case report are all utilized in the supervision process. a. The general limits of confidentiality and privileged communication are when harm to self or others is clear and imminent, when child abuse, elderly abuse or abuse of persons with disabilities is suspected, or if court proceedings compel the supervisor to testify. J8j6PR3vV;w/r`q]:eWjuSIT#/8@UFn4)QR Pay online and submit your case study, DCA Approval On the fifth postoperative day, the patient experienced a return of burning pain in the right leg. 127. Substance abuse affects not only the user but the family as well. He feels that other than his wife being upset, he has no other social or occupational issues. %PDF-1.7 78. 9. - ustedes - (dibujo: baln de voleibol). p The term authentically connected referral network is used in conjunction with case management. Additional history revealed that the patient abused ergotamine preparations for years (headaches). Same thing with the oral examination. Keep this brief and focused. The easier it is for SAPC staff to understand the justification for the service(s) being requested, the more likely the service(s) being 13. Provides support to the client when appropriate. a. Assessing client readiness for treatment. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Presentation PDF Available Counseling Case As such, she works with supervisees to become aware of the thoughts and feelings that occur with respect to the counseling relationship and process. This is an unofficial study guide for the IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor exam, also known as LCDC, CADC, CSAC, CAC certification exam, and my own collection of personal notes and study material covering the topics in the updated 2015 exam. Facilitating this awareness, including attention to the motivation behind interventions, is an important aspect of her work. After you have identified the "must-say" content, identify information that will help the audience better understand the case. Encouraged me to be spontaneous and creative, 21. c. something to be seriously considered if the client desires it. Thus, the presenter should include details to support the proposed diagnosis, argue against alternative diagnoses, and exclude extraneous information. Which one of the following alcohol abuse screening tests is designed specifically for use with adolescents? 101. 139. 123. Based on your treatment plan, what are your objectives for the next session? Given a client's history, referrals for co-occurring disorders as well as medical, educational, and psychological needs should be ongoing as discovered. d. Of considerable, albeit limited, value in treatment, 63. After referrals are made, it is important to track the associated outcomes for measures of referral success. How does the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) recommend that substance abuse be considered and treated? Keep in mind the limitation of your listeners. A systematic approach to peer group supervision. What thoughts/fantasies are you aware that you were having about the client during the session? (Identity) 129. d. The instrument assesses what it purports to assess. Health privacy and confidentiality standards. Semester: WebApplying for the CADC requires no prerequisite SUD certicate or degree, however many colleges and universities oer these programs that will help prepare you for the workforce a. drugs of abuse can successfully treat depression. If a client leaves a treatment program early or involuntarily, how is the written discharge summary affected? p b. (Member roles, communication patterns, stage), What leadership skills did you employ? CL: Yes, it does concern me. Tailor your presentations accordingly. SOCIAL HISTORY Kim is a Caucasian female. In providing services, an agency needs to maintain a vision of purpose and important objectives. To the extent possible, describe initial treatment plan for this client. How is the concept of culture BEST described? What would a proper response be? From the perspective of Cognitive-Behavioral, I. Or As existential theory, I., The picture of the counseling process that comes to mind is.. 120. What is the trend for cultural diversity in the United States? Appreciates cultural and/or developmental issues that may affect assessment. The supervisor may ask the supervisee what questions he/she has, and what other information she/he might desire. She is an only child, and she denied any history of childhood emotional, The likelihood of developing a substance abuse disorder fluctuates throughout the life course. b. What does the DAP progress note acronym stand for? Overall, I found supervision to be helpful to me during Practicum or Internship. Syracuse University School of Education |, Engaged BIPOC Scholar-Practitioner Program, Office of Professional Research and Development, Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, Center for Academic Achievement and Student Development, Center for Experiential Pedagogy and Practice, Supervisee Evaluation of Supervision/Supervisor (Form), Supervisor Evaluation of Counselor Behaviors (Form), Supervisor Professional Disclosure Statement (Example), Guidelines for Structured Group Supervision, 1. iv. Traditionally, what has the term therapeutic community (TC) referred to? If you have done your job well, the content you have retained will answer the following questions: What happened to the patient? 19. The main purpose of the introduction is to place the case in a clinical context and explain the importance or relevance of the case. Date: Uses nondirective interventions skillfully. Copy each sentence. WHY? 8. 144. %%EOF Which of the following subcategories of alcohol use disorder onset is NOT found in the elderly? Documentation regarding referrals and referral outcomes. Learn more about the global criteria for each of the 12 Core Functions here. Use the Preparing the Clinical Vignette Presentation Checklist to assist you in preparing the topic outline. CL: Yes, I do feel good about that. Can demonstrate an appropriate use of behavioral interventions. What did you like? ii. d. A drug-free residential treatment environment. Patient Case Presentation 1. For example, if you are working at a cardiology clinic, your presentation should be focused on your patients cardiac complaints. 18. a. WebE. More info coming soon. When giving feedback, group members again proceed one at a time stating how they would handle the supervisees dilemma. What approximate percentage of all HIV cases are found among females in this country? Counselor: Dr. Scarborough approaches supervision from a collaborative framework. Describe the events that preceded the patients presentation in chronological order. This should include the following information: The patients medical conditions, including any that were not highlighted in the opener Any past surgeries the patient has had and when they were performed The timing of and reasons for past hospitalizations Any current medications, including dosages and frequency of administration, The next section should detail the patients relevant family history. I was hoping to makesome friends, but the two girls in my office dont get along and Im caught in the middle.CO: Are there people at work that you do things with? p The supervisor facilitates the discussion as needed, functioning as a moderator and process observer. 43. 1. 74. Dr. Jennifer E. Heasley Mylan School of Pharmacy Duquesne University Ambulatory Care Resident August 25, 2009 Heres a short summary of each of the parts of a convincing business case presentation. You may be the only person who will listen. How does course of action fit with ranking of moral principles? The counselor presents the preselected taped segment. Which is the model that views dependency as a learned behavior that can be modified? Documentary collection is also known as Cash Against Documents (CAD) by most exporters iv. d. discrimination and racism limit recreational and leisure opportunities to improve mental health. c. The Substance Abuse Screening Instrument. Can assist client in translating problems into realistic outcome goals. HIV remains a profound problem in the United States. WebWritten informed consent for publication must be obtained from the patient (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 18, or from the next of kin if the patient has died). She is disturbed at the illicit nature of the drug and the long-standing use. Maintains an appropriate pace during sessions. This business case study template PPT for free is 892 Kb has a 4:3 aspect ratio. Candidates must first submit their Written Case Study , CPM Oral Exam Registration Form, DCA Approval to test letter ( Letter must be dated within the last, Candidates will respond to each of the following questions, using the. c. Habilitation helps clients learn new skills they never had. 132. Vasospasm is due primarily to the direct vasoconstrictor effects on the vascular smooth muscle. Which of the following is NOT a primary learning style? These tasks may include: Observing counselor or a particular counseling skill. Which of the following was NOT identified as being among the three MOST effective screening tools for substance use disorders? Keep your presentation lively. Thats per case, but with time youll become faster. d. At the point of the initial counselor-client contact. The emergency department (ED) course is classically reported towards the end of the presentation. p REMEMBER:Tune into your feelings, Involve your client, Take your time!! x @\7~{3 `X&@%l2 c&@Xh1*VkVk:!.juKjhkw.1]s_sof ruW5ek=QSYyfk*NJ]"u5U "r4MQF$.TQN3!ro~l}_C;|#BzwKVU"|d`oBGCSoy She used 12 tables daily for the past year and continued to receive ergotamine in hospital on days 2, 6, and 7. Dr. Scarborough has training and experience in individual, group, and school counseling. He states that though he recreationally uses, he doesn't crave cocaine, doesn't seek it out but rather uses with friends at the game who bring it. d. Decreased sensitivity to a drug over time. Authorization and Release and Statement of Understanding, LCADCs and CADCs must take legal standards course before renewing, LCADC and CADC applicants must submit an online application, New Certification: Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP). Appropriately addressed interpersonal dynamics us, 15. In addition to stopping ergotamine, a direct vasodilator is usually prescribed. 1Xr E=[@BM@DAbd]@E/2BAak.4&)4f'02t" v/,zAfg Q%# Listens carefully and communicates an understanding of the client. While it can be similar to your opener, it should not be identical. The intent of this series of articles is to help you make a favorable impression and reap the rewards, personal and professional, of a job well done. All of the following are true of depression and substance abuse EXCEPT that. 28. CO: Youre feeling some concern about fitting in with people at work. a. Student: The process begins with the creation of an outline of the topics that might be presented at the meeting. Complete las frases con la forma correcta del verbo. hX]oS9+~Pm_iD[Bt" JV=glHS}cWZe **]RI9d*kse The 3 Month (100 Day) MCAT Study Schedule Guide: 2022 Edition, The Secondary Application: Bragging vs. Confidence. Do not read the presentation! Less likely to continue to use alcohol or drugs. Test of Publicity: Ask yourself whether you would want your behavior reported in the press. 4. h|A0[]Ah/NV#GJA51E@-7`h #mzHlV-=\u0*Ub!BJ}B|^Gju9eCRaWps[b88-V Circumstances, Motivation, Readiness, and Suitability (CMRS) Scales are used for what purpose? 65. 84. For use in obtaining CASAC, LCDC, CADC and other Addiction Counselor Certifications 20 Free Examples IC&RC IC&RC Paperback IC&RC EBooks NAADAC NAADAC Paperback NAADAC EBook Products for the IC&RC ADC Exam ~ Sancho - (dibujo: tablero de ajedrez) Which of the following substances lack effective treatment medications? All contact must be handled through email at the email addresses below or sent through mail. v. The patient continued to deteriorate with both legs becoming cool and pulseless. 2. All the information published on this site comes from known sources such as textbooks, manuals, research articles, and online sources. Dr. Scarborough will inform supervisees through informed consent as to the purpose of her own supervision and that their actions may be discussed with the supervisor. Which of the following is not a drawback to community reinforcement (CR) and contingency management (CM) approaches? 87. Next to each entry in your outline, prioritize the importance of content. d. A client accepts the need for treatment. Create a website or blog at, How to Prepare and What to Study for the Oral Exam for Alcohol and DrugCounselors, 12 Core Functions for alcohol and drugcounselors, how to prepare oral exam addiction counselors, how to prepare oral exam substance abuse counselors, Alcohol Drug Counselor Exam 2016 | StudyGuide. i. Ergotism is characterized by intense, generalized vasoconstriction of small and large blood vessels. Briefly lay out the background of the idea. Question Period: The supervision group members ask the supervisee questions about the information presented in Step 1 and 2. 34. a. What do the guidelines deal with? How is it BEST defined? What are the two key mental health treatment paradigms of Western medicine? The purpose of this site is to share information with others. 17. 26. 83. Learn and remember the global criteria for each core function. c. Pharmacological therapy and psychotherapy, 103. What is the usual recommended minimum duration of days for the intensive outpatient treatment (IOT) phase? 51. What is the BEST distinction between substance abuse treatment programs and mutual-help groups, such as a twelve-step support groups? And why? c. Reverting to a prior developmental level (i.e., juvenile or infantile). What is the theoretical approach? Note what the client did. It is natural for a client to start talking. 2. c. Every thirty to ninety days or as changes or progress indicate a need. Internship: Tags: how to prepare oral exam addiction counselors, how to prepare oral exam substance abuse counselors, oral exam alcohol drug counselor, oral exam for addiction counselors, oral exam substance abuse counselor. This step allows group members to obtain additional information or clarify any misperceptions concerning the summary information. WebWitnessing his brother's death, Ray stated he began to lose his sight slowly. How do you decide what to cut? 82. This is the most important part of your presentation and allows you to show your team how much you really know. CL: Ive been having a little trouble with my new job. Last Updated on June 24, 2022 by Laura Turner. Ergotamine poisoning induces intense vasospasm, and venous thrombosis may occur from direct damage to the endothelium. 0 48. What is the one phase that is NOT part of Tuckman's model? Racism may jeopardize the mental health of minorities in all of the following ways EXCEPT that. As the presenter, you should strive to deliver an interesting presentation that keeps your team members engaged. stream qlJ: 6IB0gR$g=Ut7 107. d. Treating both psychiatric and substance abuse issues concurrently. The following is an example based on the resources in the community of Sonoma County and illustrate how a case plan involving active WebWrite the case following the outline and directions below. Web(LCADC) or Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC): Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the LCADC/CADC Process NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, Of the following, what is the MOST significant mission? A counselor finds herself treating a perpetrator of incest abuse. Web1. He previously Which of the following is NOT a particularly important reason? Group members should not converse with the supervisee during this break. 32. X is a 78-year-old female with a past medical history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who presents with shortness of breath in Dr. Scarborough is a National Certified Counselor and Approved Clinical Supervisor. 105. Label the subjects and verbs. Supervisees are also asked to evaluate Dr. Scarborough as well as the supervision process. If something is entered in a client record in error, what is the proper response? The most common cause of ergotism is chronic poisoning found in young females with chronic headaches. The CAGE questionnaire is a four-question screening tool. 94. As a group, when receiving appropriate treatment for substance abuse, how are older adults likely to act? vi. The mnemonic DIG-FAST evaluates which psychological state? c. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). 34. Describe the dynamics in the session (your own reactions to the client and the interactions between you and the client). 13. i. What does the Twelve-Step Facilitation Approach refer to? iii. What was the original CIWA-Ar scale designed for? Rates of substance abuse among women are converging with those of men. Use the following code system to track your prioritization decisions: A = Must-Say For example, for a normal abdominal exam, you could report that the patients abdomen is soft, non-tender, and non-distended, with normoactive bowel sounds.. Remember that the chief complaint is why the patient sought medical care in his or her own words.An example of an effective opening is as follows: Ms. 27. Treating a patient? hj9_E iJ'C^ht{,_Rg. What is an appropriate response to a substantial gift from a client? When should planning for aftercare be engaged? Client expressed concern with memory issues and transportation challenges. p It should describe how a similar case should be approached in the future. How many problem domains are addressed in the Addiction Severity Index (ASI)? 17. Continue the tradition of Fellowship by sharing your own experience and offering to support other members' candidacies. Regarding substance abuse, what does Convergence Theory propose? >> p On regular inpatient floors, this should include a list of the patients medical problems, ordered by acuity, followed by your proposed plan for each. #kpO Q+&. Offering guidance on clinical use cases, technology, regulations and waivers, and billing and coding. 10. 99. Who is primarily responsible for ensuring that treatment is effective for culturally diverse clients? 96. What is the key difference between a current treatment plan and a current progress note? 23. viii. National Business PowerPoint Templates. CADC CADC Sample Exam Questions Verified With 100% Correct Answers Preview 4 out of 61 pages Getting your document ready Report Copyright Violation Exam (elaborations) $10.99 Add to cart Add to wishlist 100% Money Back Guarantee Immediately available after payment Both online and in PDF No strings attached 0 0 Seller Follow a. c. Refer the client to a counselor more comfortable with the client. Line through the error, writing error and initialing and dating the change, 142. What is the Matrix Model designed to treat? p What is the BEST response to this? 4. %PDF-1.7 % ACP advocates on behalf on internists and their patients on a number of timely issues. aw;y=Q, +e`@>@ What does motivational interviewing primarily involve? When is a client fully prepared to enter treatment? Regarding substance abuse as compared with the general population, how is the LGBT community likely to act? 88. What happens as tolerance for barbiturates develops? Good luck! << 81. Group Session #: Janna L. Scarborough, Ph.D., NCC, ACS What is a subpoena signed by a judge? 29. Note what the counselor did. Can assist the client in considering different components and sequences that make up and sustain problems. For other supervisees, fees charged reflect the community standard and the supervisees ability to pay. Remember, this is an iterative process; your decisions are not final. Internal medicine clerkship directors seem to agree. hmk0}^lK6@6}aBmA/Rc[NkMJ1U'Q!pPAs~ Z($x0D:Ek! M"\^iUOF#vdobZ2 You should begin every oral presentation with a brief one-liner that contains the patients name, age, relevant past medical history, and chief complaint. Like the real test, you should complete it in no more than 2 ho urs. Appreciates own limits without overreacting to them. The MAST screening test is a twenty-five-question instrument that is used to explore the degree and severity of a client's problem with which type of abuse? d. The theoretical approach to be operationalized via treatment. Oral case presentations are also a key component of how medical students and residents are assessed during their training. c. The margin between intoxication and lethality stays the same. c. Avoid contact with the client, and leave the club immediately. In working with substance-abusing clients, counselors must be aware of the applicable guidelines in CFR Title 42 Part 2. Describe the sessions you have had thus far with the client (general topic, interventions, tone, etc.). In working with substance abuse clients, counselors must be aware specific guidelines found in the HIPAA statutes. You will take the exam at the Board office where you will record your presentation. Choose a section on which you want specific feedback. Some case reports begin immediately with the description of the case, and this is perfectly acceptable. This will help you: Also, I recommend that you dress professionally for your oral exam. A treatment program client asks you to become his or her twelve-step sponsor. (counseling, psyco-ed, task, theme centered, open-ended, etc.) What would be the MOST typical co-occurring disorder client? 76. Address program policy preventing dating among group members. The file size is 1.6 MB. Delivering oral case presentations is challenging at first, so remember to practice. 71. Can demonstrate an appropriate use of systemic interventions. What is physiological dependence on a drug determined by? 1. WebFor example, if a presentation begins with A 46 year old man presents with 2 weeks of dyspnea but then reveals 2 minutes later that the patient is HIV positive, your listener 54. In providing counseling treatment, what are counselors encouraged to do? TqI5l-Q#heGQR3rw>NWBt*y,]-dd).ZP r%r,YR'v!.-j2brU=%UN3$Ccd@Rz 5(vq How are substance abuse treatment programs for adolescents described? Expect your listeners to ask questions. Dr. Scarborough also provides each supervisee with the names and phone numbers of agencies that respond to crisis situations. If you are scheduled to make a presentation of a clinical vignette, reading this article will improve your performance. 33. He gave peanuts to the people he met. 35. WebPractice Exams with representative difficulty and solutions with detailed explanations for the IC&RC ADC and NAADAC NCAC exam. Explore our virtual course offerings and learn from anywhere. Assistant Professor,Syracuse University. What does it mean if an assessment instrument is valid? 95. Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (1998). hb```a``2q\|ea(Qn10.D ja`I` D The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 2, Subpart E, addresses situations where law enforcement or courts can breach client confidentiality. 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Csat ) recommend that substance abuse among women are converging with those of men large blood.! One phase that is NOT Part of Tuckman 's model most effective screening tools for use. Other supervisees, fees charged reflect the community standard and the instructor and lethality stays same! Functioning as a twelve-step support groups beyond providing seamless care and being client focused, are.
cadc written case presentation example
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