winchester sx4 vs browning maxuslow income nonprofits
Regardless of which gun you choose, it will certainly get the job done. Less plastic and MIM parts. The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time. up or thumbs down verdict on several firearms. Plus, your average hunter should keep shooting distances inside 35 yards. Clear editor. The MSRP runs from $1,600 to $2,100. The cheek piece on the stock does soften the blow of recoil, which was very manageable on the Maxus II. The Browning Maxus II pattern from 35 yards. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The 20-gauge version of the gun is only 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and is an even better option for waterfowlers who pheasant hunt or are run-and-gun turkey hunters. BROWNING MAXUS Although the Maxus retains the heavy triggers of most current Browning autoloaders, it is one of the softest-shooting seven pound autoloaders out there. Duratouch is junk, it rubs right off. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The gun will also be widely available in models that are all-camo (Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Habitat and Break-Up Country), and the all-black Stalker, which comes with flush chokes, not the extended chokes you will find in every other model except the deer slug gun. The other three are all very good models. I left the autoloader outside the previous night to make sure it was good and cold (it got down into the single digits). Winchester, and sister company Browning, have cornered the market on shotgun trims. Thats why the Winchester SX4 is such a great choice. Of the crop of new autoloaders that hit the market more or Although the Maxus retains the heavy triggers of most The SX4 is the best value is a gas operated auto loader for the field. Browning included all three of these components on the Maxus II with a few extras. But then i shoudlered one and because of the inertia system instead of gas it allows the forearm to be much thinner and boy does it feel nice!! Maxus all the way one of the best autos i use for wildfowling, I do like Berettas but tempted by the Maxus in camo when I change my semi auto in future, Thanks folks, I've heard a lot of mixed reports about the sx4, Neither Benelli m2 Ive shot hundreds of geese with mine never misses a beat. Although saying that browning didnt produce a 20 autoat the time of the sx3. If you didn't know, these guns are manufactured byBrowning but the Maxus 2 is nearly double the price! That seems to be one of the ony complaints I've been hearing, people say that without the magazine cap it doesn't hold down as well and jiggles around a little bit while shooting. Just finding a place to hunt can be costly if you dont have access to good hunting on public land. You just don't have to worry about this gun getting wet, which is something to consider if you are going to be doing any foul weather hunting. The SX4 shot 60 percent above and 40 percent below point-of-aim, an ideal gun for duck hunters who cover up the bird and fire. a disaster, the new A5 is a very hard shotgun to love. autoloader that is essentially maintenance-free. I am still considering getting a semi for huntin and sporting clays and if I do it will be either an SX-3 or a benelli. Here's one of the better reviews to date of the Maxus Sporting: I have already bought myself a trap gun, a lightly used 1985 citori trap model(very lightly used considering age). Other changes are also puzzling. There is also a carbon-fiber sporting model with 28- and 30-inch barrel options. cause for lament is the goofy notched recoil pad that makes aftermarket You will receive an email every Friday morning featuring the latest chatter from the hottest topics, breaking news surrounding legislation, as well as exclusive deals only available to ARFCOM email subscribers. Its nice to be able to rest your cheek on that pad, and know you are ready to shoot when the opportunity presents itself. Ive used an SX4 for my main duck gun the last two seasons and shot it on spring snow geese with a seven-round magazine extension affixed. You also wont have any issues shooting different size loads through the SX4. No drop shims are supplied, but you do get one thin plastic spacer you can use to slightly lengthen the stock. The BXD BBs performed phenomenally at the range. The SX4 bolt has the same simple two-piece design as the SX3. My Maxus is the 3 1/2 inch stalker model. Specifially trap. 12 gauge shotgu. I like all black guns and really like the feel of the dura touch stock. Only Franchis Affinity 3 and Berettas A300 Ultima rivaled the SX4, but both are 3-inch guns that cost about the same as the Winchester. Also I would like to know if anyone knew the retail for both of those guns because the local cabelas has the hunting models for about $400 less than the website prices. There's no cheaping out in this gun either, which is remarkable considering the price tag. less together in 2010, the Vinci has proved to be one of the most innovative and This is Euro-trash styling at its worst. It is the best working man's autoloader Remington has ever created and it is a very good gun. Banded Birds - Black Ducks - 6, Mallards 19 (3 Jack Miner) BW Teal - 2, Wood Ducks - 1, 1 Ross and 1 snow Goose (Both reward bands) , Canada Geese - 15 (2 neck collars), Morning . The most noticeable change on this gun is the fore-end cap, says Browning product manager Tim Frampton. I prefer a shotgun with a high POI because I don't break any clays with a flat 50/50 gun. Inside 40, which is where we should all be shooting ducks and geese, Ive never noticed any difference. There is no grip cap. AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. The only performance advantage Ive seen in the field or at the clays course was when I needed to make a shot beyond 40 yards. For those that own or have used the guns, which do you prefer and are there major differences? I also like the wood they put on it a LOT. I did have the forcing cones lengthened inside the .742-inch bore to increase pattern density. My current pair is still running strong; together pushing 150K rounds. The receiver, trigger guard and trigger are aluminum alloy. There are better duck guns than the SX4, but in terms of value, Winchesters auto-loader is unmatched. Fair enough, the 20 bore sx3 does look like a purely rebadged fusion, Maxus all the way. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. May want to shoulder both as well, from what I remember the stock of the SX4 is abit shorter. Cost me just under $1000. Red dots and Magnifiers. There is now a reversible, rectangular cross-bolt safety. The Winchester is very likely a better value but it depends how much you personally value materials, fit and finish. Browning BG MAXUS SPORTING GOLDEN CLAYS 12GA 3 28VR INV 5 WALNUT 11635301 for sale and auction. FABARM XLR5 VELOCITY Browning Maxus Grackle_killer. The maxus is extremely lightweight, some people love it, i honestly didnt like it. As mentioned, the Maxus was put on a diet, not so much weight as bulk. For me the answer is clearid get an 1100 and never look back. It is supplied with a garishly oversized pad without an insert. Yes, the Maxus/Maxu II and the SX3/SX4 share a ton of parts, most importantly the gas system. Most waterfowlers hunt snow geese, or like the idea of hunting snow geese, so they want a gun that accepts a magazine extension. The old Maxus was blocky and kind of hard to get a comfortable grip on for those with smaller hands. I would also like to know if anyone has shot both hunter and sporting models and if you think the extra $$ for the sporting models will be worth it. The flagship model remains the Browning Maxus, introduced 18 years ago in 2009. Full of gimmicks, including fake plasta-wood finishes, pogo If you want to shoot 3-inch shells that will eliminate the 1100. AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. JavaScript is disabled. Let's get into this showdown! Theres also an oversized bolt handle on the Winchester Super X4 so you can load and unload it with cold fingers or gloved hands. Sometimes when a gobbler hangs up you have to aim at the tom for 15 or 20 minutes (maybe longer). Just want some thoughts and opinions on the Winchester SX4 and Browning Maxus. Royboy. Snow goose hunters and exhibition shooters take note. Since you seem to favor a gas gun I would add the Fabarm auto's. The industry standard is 40 yards, but we wanted to showcase the patterns at a more realistic yardage for duck hunters. . Remington's gas gun is a very soft shooter and is now available in a Sportsman for the goose pit. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I've been asked many, many times to give a brief thumbs You can post now and register later. If you want a higher point of impact with this gun you will need to build up the comb with an aftermarket device of some sort. Introduced in 2008, the SA-08's dual-valve gas system has demonstrated excellent reliability in cycling 12-gauge shells from ultra-light 7/8-ounce target loads to 3-inch magnums. And honestly, it was never a widely sought after-gun by waterfowlers or pheasant hunters (in part because the A5 and Citori are so popular). I also shot several turkey loads through my personal SX4 to break it in after purchase. Barrel Length: 24-, 26-, 28-inch (tested), Finish: Black synthetic, Woodland, TrueTimber Prairie, Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Habitat, Bottomland, Realtree Timber, Max-5, Wicked Wing (Cerakote barrel/receiver with camo stock/fore-end). In any way I can possibly rate a shotgun, the SX-4 is a significant downgrade from the SX-3. As this is written, late in 2013, I'm mindful that SX4: I gave the SX4 a bonus point for being an absolute workhorse and serving me well in my career as a professional shooter and in every test I throw at it. The bolt-release button is larger on the SX4 as well. You have to see what feels better in your hands. trigger, extremely light weight and a better than average recoil pad. i have a Maxus and i have been very pleased with it. scheme) is not confidence inspiring, in particular when compared to the seven Royboy. It is Browning's best series of autoloaders and several models are in the best value category. I did notice that more of the pellets struck the right side of the paper. The other changes are puzzling as well. I have also killed some honkers with that at 40-plus yards using the A5. For clays most like longer, heavier guns with lighter loads. There is limited availability on several other models that include an old-school vintage tan camo (there is also a Cerakote Wicked Wing in this offering), Realtree Max-5 and Timber (also available in Wicked Wing), Mossy Oak Bottomland and Bottomland Original (also available in Wicked Wing), and the Maxus Hunter, which has a walnut stock/fore-end and a black anodized receiver and barrel. I was skeptical Winchester could pull off a gun that cycled shotshells reliably at such a low price point. So does this mean that the Maxus 2 isn't worth the extra money? model, it defines the all-around gas autoloader. Where the SX4 Came Up Short The rubber slows that process. No I Didn't i went and shouldered the maxus and the SX3 and liked the feeling of the SX3 more but the features of the maxus. It took It is solid. Personally, I'd go with a new old stock or slightly used SX3 over the SX4. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. It cycled them all without issue. Versa-Max has been improved to the point where it merits serious consideration current Browning autoloaders, it is one of the softest-shooting seven pound Been shooting Browning Golds since introduced in 1995. And just like that, we have a surprising winner from this long-awaited shotgun showdown! reasonable seven pound weight and a ComforTech stock that is a huge improvement Never seen a 20 sx3 but would be surprised if browning allowed Winchester to use it? in shooting comfort over a conventional stock. Apparently, Browning/Winchester has done away with any appearance of Belgium manufacture, for the barrel is stamped, "Made in Portugal by Browning Viana." The exterior is not on par with more expensive auto-loaders, but again, youre not paying as high a price for this gun. Though reliable, the latter was one of the strangest fitting shotguns I have ever owned. I like the Winchester sx4 and the Browning silver due to price. Winchester stopped making it in 1981 because the SX1 struggled to compete with Remingtons 1100, which had a lower price tag. of product you'll have to buy twice and that is no bargain. Collectively, these updates make for a slimmer, lighter and livelier gun than the predecessor. Sometimes I pull shots right and left, high and low. I am leaning toward the browning but am not sure yet. Its a big investment. These opinions may change as I continue to shoot and experience more guns! dedicated 391 and 390 Beretta aficionados to shake their collective heads and Below is the standard scorecard and guide for handicaps based on price. Today we're using the SOSA TEST (Steves' Official Shotgun Assessment To Effectively Save Time). go elsewhere. The guns are very close. Lastly, if you are serious about trap, get yourself a real trap gun. Thanks, I prefer the wood stock on the maxus it brings an aggressive look to the forearm, but that being said I haven't felt the duratouch yet. Todaywe have an awesome match-up between the Browning Maxus 2 and the Winchester SX4! Both are protected by a nickel-Teflon coating (as is the carrier) to inhibit corrosion, which saltwater and brackish water duck hunters will appreciate. the sx3 had the same action as the maxus but I believe the sx4 is cheaply made ? I find it to have a little more kick than the browning autos but is a little lighter. The SX4 is available with stock lengthening inserts. , very light andvery skinny , was like shouldering a broom handle , very short in the stock . The safety is also larger and square instead of a circle. Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. 1100, its design has stood the test of time. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. There is a circular foam tab behind the trigger guard that is going to last two or three years before it goes flat. The latest in Winchester's gas gun series, the SX4 now comes in a throwback Woodland camo version that still blends in anywhere and recalls the days when hunters wore Army surplus gear to the blind. To favor a gas gun is a significant downgrade from the SX-3 high winchester sx4 vs browning maxus price for this gun been many... Of recoil, which is remarkable considering the price it, i honestly didnt like it difference! 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winchester sx4 vs browning maxus
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