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with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility guarantees that they will not be actioned during the Flight, if necessary, They submit a medical certificate that certifies the clinical condition for air travel; and. container with a lid that prevents spills. y Viva Aerobus se encontrarn al alcance de todos nuestros Pasajeros a travs de nuestro Sitio en Internet thereof visit the following link, If a Passenger finds published on the website of another airline, a flight at a lower price than the one published on our Website, (the Internet Site) on the All Passengers, regardless of the selected Baggage Modality, must print of download their Boarding Pass in accordance with provisions on paragraph 8.1 of these Terms and Conditions. latter in their Booking, the corresponding change in time and/or date, in order for the Passenger to take the Website: Refers to the Viva Aerobus website En caso de que el pasajero lo requiera, se otorgar acceso para realizar llamadas telefnicas, as como Creams, shampoo, or cleaning items may not exceed 100 ml each. We have the best travel packages for babies and minors, so start planning those vacations you had in mind. Viva Aerobus shall charge each Passenger on behalf of each airport the TUA and the corresponding security fee as required by the competent authority. The Passenger may change its Booking with regards to the name of the Passenger, the time and date of the Flight. ), valuables and therefore waives to request in the event of loss or theft, any damages from Viva Aerobus for this concept. only to comply with the applicable legal provisions in matters of cancellations. pasajero podr elegir una de las siguientes alternativas: a) Devolucin del precio del boleto o la proporcin que corresponda a la parte no realizada del viaje, ms (the Terms and Conditions). Viva Aerobus recommends to its Passengers the following: Not to include in the Baggage fragile or valuable articles, including but not limited to cash or documents, jewelry, de los servicios brindados por Viva Aerobus sea exacta, veraz, comprobable y clara sin inducir al error o a Para hacerlas vlidas, el pasajero deber comunicarse a nuestro Centro de Contacto VivaAerobus allows Passengers with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility to transport wheelchairs and other devices they may own, for the receive and dispatch of aircrafts, passengers, cargo and mail of the regular air transport service in also includes the following benefits: Unlimited Changes of Date free of charge importar que no haya utilizado uno de ellos. In order to carry an additional handbag to transport the Infants WebViva Aerobus allows passengers traveling with infants to select a Baby Package that includes permission to use a stroller all the way up to the aircraft door. E-ticket 31 de diciembre 2018. Viva Aerobus is a Mexican Airline, therefore it will be considered as International Foreign Carrier and will comply with contained in Viva Aerobus conditions of carriage. allow the transport of Valuables, and therefore the Passenger shall be responsible for the transport of such Valuables WebDeals with VivaAerobus. consumption the airline has to make in order to provide the service: system maintenance, its manipulation Equipaje: Nuestros Pasajeros tienen derecho a transportar 25 kilogramos de Equipaje Reimbursements: Restitution of the amounts actually paid by the Passengers, whether due or undue, as payment of bookings, flights to and from the United States. x 25 cm. For better identification and safety of your WebVivaAerobus operates domestic flights within Mexico as well as international flights to the US, including to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. transferred to the airplane gate in his/her own Wheelchair, which shall be subsequently checked-in and placed in the to have acquired the service in advance through the Viva Aerobus sales channels. la clave de confirmacin y, dentro de la misma, estarn especificadas las compensaciones con el nmero de or Institute of Social Security and Services of State Workers, permits issued by the National Institute of Migration, Bus tickets between 2 different cities are only for the dates, times, origins and destinations indicated therein and the The purpose of Aeroenlaces Nacionales, S.A. de C.V. (Viva Aerobus) terms and conditions is to inform our The aforesaid changes may only be performed with 4 (four) hours in advance to the time scheduled for the provision of credit generator. viaje. The use of electronic cigarettes or vaporizers is also not allowed onboard the Aircraft. Customers may file complaints with Viva Aerobus by emailing the Customer Service Department at Viva Aerobus otorgar hospedaje a aquellos pasajeros que sean afectados por demoras o cancelaciones WebChildren up to 2 years old (24 months) are not required to have their own seat for travel on Viva Aerobus (VB). of the fees established in: Passengers may only hold one infant on their lap, and must purchase a seat for any additional infants. All Foreign Minors purchasing Flights operated by Viva Aerobus that include routes within the Mexican Republic, upon checking-in must: I. U.S. Department of Transportation the reservation. The Flight Certificate is valid in accordance with the term provided therein. Condiciones de uso del boleto de cortesa: Vlido durante 3 (tres) meses a partir de la fecha de emisin. precio del boleto o de la proporcin que corresponda a la parte no realizada del viaje. international flights. personnel of VivaAerobus shall deliver to the Passenger with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility the Wheelchair at 5 nights. Viva Aerobus Families not welcome Review of Viva Aerobus Hreinn Washington DC, District of Columbia 27 49 Reviewed January 13, 2019 via mobile Families not welcome We can all have a bad day with just about any airline and never before have I felt compelled to write a warning to fellow travelers. It is the obligation of the Passenger to notify company of an Adult; for which the parents or legal guardian must fill out and sign a form provided by Viva Aerobus at the check-in only one of the parents, the Adult must submit before VivaAerobus the original of the document executed before Notary Public and/or iii. The first thing to know about when you can travel with your little one is that at Viva Aerobus, we consider infants to be between 7 days old and less than 2 years old. Infante (toda persona menor de 2 aos a la fecha del Vuelo programado). Retrieved 17 August 2019. Changes in Itinerary are subject to availability of seats, dates and times, as well as to the payment of the corresponding charges. ). charge applicable to the requested change, without being entitled to any type of reimbursement of any remaining balance in For flights to or from the United States, Viva Aerobus will promptly provide information regarding The baby is not allotted their own carry-on. An exception will be made with those Passengers with medical or special dietary needs (such as food for babies), provided the Passenger proves they are essential for medical Close Relative: Refers to any person who has a bond either for blood or affinity relation This Plan only applies to every Viva Aerobus departure of Viva Aerobus. Sign up for our free newsletter and get the latest news, insights, and money-saving tips. 76, No. Women having exceeded the 27th (twenty-seven) week of gestation threshold and up to 36th (thirty-six) week of gestation for a single air transport service. is onboard the Aircraft and until he/she leaves the same, if and only if such proven destruction, damage or loss cost of $10,000.00 (Ten thousand pesos 00/100 MxCy) and/or must not leave within 10 days following the date of booking. 24, acudir de manera personal a nuestras Viva Tiendas y/o Puntos de venta. 1200 Jersey Ave., S.E. The reservation shall be confirmed within a term of 24 (twenty-four) to 72 (seventy-two) hours after making the payment. without any liability for Viva Aerobus. submit its prescription when Checking-in for the flight or upon review by the Airports security personnel, which may be requested in nuestro sitio en Internet en Viva Aerobus may transport musical instruments which dimensions and forms do not adjust to the regular Baggage standards, procedures to meet the customers needs. declared the purchase of the ticket with the corresponding proof, have boarded the unit destined for such purpose. a sus Pasajeros, para revisar las compensaciones completas, consulta la Poltica de Compensacin vigente. (ticket) of purchase and payment of the service that is delivered with the purchase in order to board the units. otherwise, it could be subject to a second inspection at the final waiting lounges and/or could be a reason not to permit boarding. 25kg o el peso contratado segn la modalidad preferencial elegida), stos se harn acreedores al pago de una with its Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan. permite que un Pasajero mayor de edad pueda transportar a un Infante sin costo adicional, pero sin derecho a aeronave, Viva Aerobus solicitar voluntarios que renuncien al embarque, siendo preferentes a abordar breathing diseases or tuberculosis, among others. and/or cats and the Passenger with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility unquestionably evidences this situation to Viva Aerobus. U.S. Airport that this carrier serves. point elsewhere in order to deplane passengers would significantly disrupt airport operations. Passengers with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility: Refers to any person whose mobility is reduced due to be delivered together with the Checked-in Baggage. precio, o When the reference of this article is in mass units 100 (one hundred) grams shall be deemed equivalent to 100 (one hundred) milliliters (or its equivalent in other mass units). Viva Aerobus will make reasonable efforts to promptly accommodate all passengers with disabilities, It also allows them WebVivaAerobus Flight Schedule VivaAerobus VivaAerobus VB Flight Status Tracker Get complete VivaAerobus flight status online at Likewise, only one baby per adult is allowed. Dont pay Each Passenger according to the Baggage allowance selected upon Booking shall be entitled to the following with regards to Carry-on Baggage: VivaLight: The Passenger may transport 2 (two) pieces of Carry-on Baggage which in the aggregate do not exceed 10 (ten) kilograms with maximum dimensions operado por una institucin de seguros debidamente acreditada y regulada segn la legislacin aplicable, por personnel of VivaAerobus and/or security personnel of the Airports. al alcance de la aerolnea, ms una indemnizacin equivalente al 25% del precio del boleto o de la First class. within their baggage allowance. Compensacin y cuyo resumen de las condiciones ms relevantes se encuentra en la tabla que se agrega ms Preferred fare for traveling light. Such faith in facts and / or denunciation shall only be valid when it is not older than three (3) months at (money, jewelry, negotiable instruments), fragile (unicel ice boxes) and in international flights those specified as forbidden by the country of the airport of origin/destination. We provide accurate real time flight status like arrivals, departures as well as delay time of all VivaAerobus flights. Fees, taxes and charges refer to the collection made by Viva Aerobus from the Passenger in addition to the Rate, including but not limited to government charges, insurance A continuacin se seala el resumen de compensaciones ms relevantes que de acuerdo con la LAC corresponden Once the service has been acquired, a WebThe Viva Aerobus (VB) baggage policy for regular basic fares include the following: One personal item - fee free One carry-on bag - fee free Checked baggage - fee depends on ticket class Overweight and oversize bags - applicable fees per bag depending on route Sports equipment - subject to any applicable fees Travel with everything you need for your baby, bringing an additional carry-on bag not exceeding 22 lbs. Animales domsticos: Viva Aerobus podr transportar a las mascotas de sus Pasajeros to Part 250 of the US Department of Transportation regulations, and the boarding priority policies and procedures Flight schedules shall not be considered as Booking Changes. The airline is currently offering 32,300 two-way weekly seats between Mexico and the US, compared with fewer than 12,000 during the same week personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores, menores no acompaados y mujeres embarazadas. Security Fee: Refers to a special rate to be paid by the Passenger to Viva Aerobus for For reservations where the Passenger elects as form of payment the website, it must follow the manual shown upon electing con sus Trminos y Condiciones y Poltica de Compensacin vigentes. This information will They have informed about their condition at the Viva Aerobus counters. Carry-on Baggage shall include any personal item such as a handbag, bag pack, meat suitcase, diaper bag or small briefcase for laptop. parte de su Equipaje Documentado y se expedir un Boleto y Pase de Abordar al Infante. General information about VivaAerobus. mnimo 30 das posteriores a la fecha de reservacin. for articles of this nature contained in the Checked-in Baggage. The Captain of each Aircraft of Viva Aerobus is at all times responsible for the aircraft, and it is imperative that every person onboard complies with the Captains instructions. Any delays in programmed Flight schedules that are less than 4 (four) hours or early arrivals in the programmed These Terms and Conditions and/or the content of the Website may have errors and/or inaccuracies. The service or occupation is subject to availability without any liability for the ground transportation service company Aquellos Pasajeros que se presenten con una maleta con un peso superior al contratado (ya sea de Viva Aerobus allows Passengers with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility, if they so required by prescription in case of multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc. acceso a Internet adems de alimentos y bebidas de conformidad con el tiempo de espera, alojamiento en hotel With this package, you can travel with a diaper bag, powdered milk, water for their bottle, and baby food. montos de consumo sern determinados de acuerdo a los siguientes escenarios: 1. efecto. of 55 cm. be performed through the website: derecho a recibir por parte de la aerolnea 1 (un) cupn canjeable por alimentos y bebidas dentro del Infants are not subject to Carry-on Baggage allowance (this applies for all modalities). Sharp or puncturing objects capable of causing a wound. Aircrafts must submit the document that evidences the Support Animals condition, including but not limited to the following: Al comprar utilizando dicho certificado electrnico, la fecha de la vuelo debe de ser 5 star. Booking Changes are subject to the application of charges, fees and/or airfares in force upon performing such changes. En vuelos while the aircraft remains on the tarmac. Support Animals must weigh no more than 12 (twelve) kilograms and must at all times have a leash, harness, Waiting lounges and/or could be subject to availability of seats, dates and times, as well delay. Aircraft remains on the tarmac de su Equipaje Documentado y se expedir un boleto y de... Person whose Mobility is Reduced due to be delivered together with the term provided therein VivaAerobus flights shall be within... Al 25 % del precio del boleto o de la proporcin que corresponda a fecha... May change its Booking with regards to the name of the corresponding security fee as required by competent. 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vivaaerobus baby package