news 12 anchor firedlow income nonprofits
Isis Romero was one of the most recognizable faces on KSAT 12 San Antonio for over a decade. Sources say managers at News 12 have since made light of the incident and are quick to point out that though News 12 received multiple Emmy nominations for Hurricane Ida coverage, many of the employees responsible for that reporting 11 months ago have since left. Publicly, Dolan said he was satisfied with the settlements terms, as it provided job security to News 12 staffers, mandated a minimum amount of in-depth reporting and ensured the network would maintain a hyperlocal focus. A Los Angeles news anchor was fired after he slammed his own station on the air for how it handled his former co-anchor's abrupt departure from the airwaves, a report said. Commenting on News 12 upper managements treatment of its employees over the past several years, another former staffer says, Cruelty was the point.. Having to do a minimum mandated amount of approved social media postings a day. So if your passion is journalism, whether its on the air or off the air, you dont have to be in front of a camera or a microphone. WM: Could you tell us about your new radio show? There needs to be journalists out there. At least four anchors and reporters are out at Altice owned News 12 Long Island after a reorganization. A new multimillion-dollar newsroom complex in Bethpage, which will include five studios and an expansive newsroom, is under construction. When TVNewsCheck presented Altice with the charges raised against the company in this story, brought forth by the 14 current and former News 12 newsroom sources, a company spokesperson responded with the following statement: Altice USA is very proud of News 12s ongoing achievements and continued success, including growth in ratings and digital viewership as well as the receipt last month of 80 New York Emmy nominations, more than any other network in the tri-state, all of which underscore the high-quality hyperlocal journalism News 12 provides. The first week, when I started the show, I had George Latimer, state senator George Latimer, on. Local Mississippi breaking news and weather from CBS 12 News WJTV, your Jackson, MS news leader. News anchor Natasha Exelby was caught off guard while doing a live news report in Australia. fired the station groups general manager, Kevin Vesey covered a Long Island protest, delivering Dunkin Donuts to a News 12 set, searching for a woman who stole from a supermarket, Spot TV Forecast: After Political Bonanza In 22, Flat Will Suffice For 23, Top 30 Station Groups: Standard General Leaps Into Second Place With Tegna Acquisition, 13th Annual Women In Technology Awards Reception, Revenue Strategies: Advanced Targeting for Local TV. Furthermore, sources say action plans were also generated, outlining required steps these supposedly poor-performing employees needed to take or else theyd be terminated. I just don't understand why they were fired. Robach joined ABC News in 2012, and also joined GMA3 in 2020. The business is small is a constant refrain from sources. I feel blessed. Though Waldman worked at WPIX New York for 11 years, ascending to news director in 2015, she was rumored to be hot tempered and tone deaf toward staffers as a manager. After more than three decades on air at News 12 Long Island, Colleen McVey is signing off for the last time. She was the best anchor. You have to pursue your passion. A Las Vegas news anchor was arrested after being found naked and passed out in her car, police said. Mix comfort and convenience at Comfort Inn. a user exclaimed. WEST ALLIS, Wis (CBS 58) -- A 12-year-old boy is dead, and another child is injured after a shooting late Saturday night at a West Allis bar. In addition, she currently coaches a young ladies' childhood b-ball group. She started her career in Elmira, New York at WETM 18 News. Sources say reporters were taken off their beats and relegated to latenight traffic accident coverage. We have to know how to tell people stories that mean something to them. She was also part of the CBS affiliate team that received the coveted National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF) Service to America Television Award, among the highest public-service honors in broadcasting, that honors exceptional public and community service. And history repeats itself. Matt Pieper's apology and statement on Twitter which appeared earlier today. Discussing the News 12 programming changes, one anonymous media buyer supports the staffers complaints. Veteran anchor Jackie Lukas, sports anchor Jamie Stuart . JR: Well, I find it works. ISIS Romero is a news anchor who had been with KSAT 12 San Antonio for more than a decade. It was about how much money we can make.. This week in Made in Connecticut, News 12's Becky Surran takes you to Wilton for an inside look at one of the largest semiconductor companies in the world, ASML. Download our app or go to for more. Whether its sponsored or not, its supposed to be generic enough that it can air network-wide, a source says. Evans has worked in major markets at top broadcast stations around the country. "Okay so what the f*** did Isis Romero do though. They were upset about the loss of jobs and the detrimental impact such a lack of diverse voices could have on free press and democracy. Safety was of high concern, as well as news integrity, sources say. Thank you so much. [Management] had us, for a while, digging through our comments on Twitter and Facebook for Tagboard, this social media integration tool that they had us using for the shows, and it became real difficult to find usable comments., They were all negative, the source adds. And I was one of the builders of that notion that local news could be successful. ", Dances with Wolves actor pleads not guilty in 'sex cult' case, Star singer La Tigresa dies from a heart attack at 89 after storied career, TikTok star, 28, is charged with child abuse after 'attack on boyfriend', Rape survivor slams Gabby Petito Utah cop over handling of her case, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP. (News Director Pauline Chiou had taken a leave of absence a week or so earlier. At the heart of the issue is the . They added that it was unclear why Romero's contract wasn't renewed. Singleton, hired from a Lexington TV station in 2015, had his disagreements with WCPO-TV management. Before moving to Oregon, there were many places Ana once called "home." She was born and raised in Denver, Colorado before moving to Texas in 2014. We come to work to tell stories, not to become the story. Multiple sources say that comments like these are rampant on social media and have been for the past few years since the Altice takeover. News 12 also recently introduced five-time Emmy award-winning meteorologist and Long Island native Addison Green to the network to anchor weather for Long Island and Westchester. Fourteen former and current employees from three additional News 12 markets tell TVNewsCheck the workplace culture in newsrooms throughout the company had become unbearably noxious under the problematic leadership of Natz, Assistant GM and VP of News Audrey Gruber and other managers hired by Altice. Anchors and reporters were going to get let go, that wasn't a secret. Leadership instead wanted stories rife with shock value that would garner web clicks, and they inadvertently got one on May 14, 2020. A news anchor has been fired by a local Los Angeles television station after he apologised to viewers for the sudden departure of his former co-host. Those whod received high marks for decades, threes, fours and fives on a five-point scale, suddenly earned scores of one and two. Taylor Henry, Weekend Anchor/Reporter. Keep a pulse on local food, art, and entertainment content when you join our Westchester newsletter. I dont think its dying. A lot of news agencies are in that position where they have to look at the economics of what theyre doing. Jackie Lukas is a television journalist, anchor, and reporter from the United States. . To read TVNewsChecks earlier News 12 stories click here and here. This week four News 12 Long Island anchors and reporters have announced their employment with the Altice-owned news station is ending. Bill O'Reilly was ousted from his long-running, top-rated primetime show on Fox News in April 2017 after being accused of sexual harassment. Events like these have made personnel looking to leave the organization with any grace or at least intact bridges fearful of a prospective exit from the company. We need to tell the stories that people need for information, for education, in some cases, for entertainment as well. Menu. Vic Faust, the Fox 2 news anchor who last week directed a profane tirade at a female co-host on a local radio show, has been fired by the television station. By Kevin Eck on Jan. 12, 2022 - 9:36 AM. And so what I think is, Altice made changes based on economics, but beyond that, I couldnt comment. We decided to call it This Week with Janine Rose because people do know me, and theyve been asking where I am. What I would say to people like yourself who are looking to be journalists. kake news anchor fired. Dolan issued a statement to TVNewsCheck when told of the News 12 worker dissatisfaction outlined in this story and the departures that have resulted from their alleged mistreatment by upper management: Its saddening to see the stream of seasoned, award-winning journalists and professionals whove been leaving News 12, apparently under stress from corporate management, his statement reads. "I am heartbroken beyond measure. Fox 5 Las Vegas morning weekday anchor and reporter Feven Kiflegiorgis was busted nude and . Lawson has won an Associated Press Award for feature reporting. So I just want to make that clear. It was difficult, to get a job, you had to have major experience to get into the New York City stations, but what was wonderful about Cablevision, was they saw the opportunity to offer more, to offer local news, and I happened to be in, for lack of a better way to say it, the right place at the right time as we were building that. They dont exist, and sources say this fact underscores the station groups forced efforts to air branded content and overhype weather events. Kathy Hochul had closed many state thruways that News 12 Westchester workers relied on to get home. She announced her termination from the station on July 27, 2021. Words like respect and trust are tossed around with regularity in descriptions of the News 12 newsroom culture under the previous regime. Lynette Romero, left, and Mark Mester were co-anchors at KTLA. And while the staffers may not have become rich working for the regional news network, they say they were fairly compensated by Dolan, a leader who they say proverbially had his workers backs. The recruiter, who spoke anonymously so as not to disrupt prospective career opportunities, says theyve heard about the News 12 hostile work environment and the short tempers, raised voices and banging fists on the table from upper management. It's one destination for everything you need to know to start your day. An interview request to Waldman was unanswered. Westchester Magazine: How are you settling into the new radio show? But after a few months, employees began to see what they call the writing on the wall.. As a result, the news product suffers and it just skews everything. According to Altice, consumers are responding positively to the new News 12. He just tried to help them keep their jobs for as long as possible so Dolan filed a lawsuit and it stalled the firing . However, more than one source speaks positively of Waldman, saying they had no issues with her and in some cases that she was kind, generous and supportive of them. as we experienced ourselves here at News 12. And he was very insightful about taking on this new role. Newsday sat down with former News 12 anchor Stone Grissom to discuss life since leaving News 12 last year and his new role at a TV station in Elmira. "After reviewing . Altice made good on its promise, hiring a third-party neutral investigator, as described by Bowen in another email obtained by TVNewsCheck. A spate of new series drummed up by former GM Natz, covering local attractions and businesses, consumer tips, do gooders and other subjects, were nearly devoid of news value, sources say. After the takeover we couldnt imagine it get worse. They are proven performers, passionate and knowledgeable. Then, a week after the hurricane, management told employees that she was no longer with the company.) When is news 12 finally going to be taken off the air., When a group of on-air talent left News 12 Long Island in January, multiple Facebook users criticized the channel and its parent company for a decline in quality, and after News 12 Long Island recently posted an image on Instagram promoting a story about energy reducing tips, one user commented with a tip of their own: dont believe anything #new12 spews [sic]., Last month, News 12 Long Island produced a story about two dresses that were returned to their owner after she lost them on a local train. . News 12 is still going strong. Altice was the reason I left News 12, says another. Current KSAT Vice President and General ManagerPhil Lane thanked Romerofor her service to the station in an email. Matthew Eisman/Getty Images. So Cablevision saw the opportunity to reach out into the suburbs and provide the local news that everyone wanted. The company said. When former News 12 Networks owner Pat Dolan sold News 12 Networks to Altice for a price he couldn't refuse in 2018, the longtime and loyal news executive fought for the jobs of his original team.. 2. "I don't think anybody's happy with the way this has played out," the source told the San Antonio Current. As former employees note, management clearly did not consult with weather forecasters on its branding because thunderbolts are not meteorological phenomena at all. However, a bigger picture of network-wide malfeasance, which has not only inspired dozens more departures, but compromised News 12s hyperlocal value proposition in markets with no shortage of impactful stories has emerged. The Fourth Estate is really important. I was very blessed to get into Cablevision early on in my career and to pursue a television career, which I came to love and adore. Read the latest issue of Westchester magazine for FREE! The question, like with everything else, is always in the implementation, the source says. When then-President Donald Trump tweeted support for the protesters harassment of Vesey, even more attention was directed to the reporter, dragging the story out further for News 12. This, too, is all part of the Altice effort to cut costly staff, sources believe. Credit: Heather Ainsworth. Initially, some in the company retained an open mind toward Natzs ideas, observing that anytime theres management turnover, change is a certainty. February 13, 2017. A manager encouraged the source to take the time off and, the source says, all the manager wanted to make sure of was I was OK with the amount of overtime I was getting.. A news anchor at WJTV in Jackson, Mississippi said she was fired because of her choice to wear her natural hair instead of straightening it. Reorganization Update. They want stories that matter to them.. But, I'm guessing a news anchor has to do what they do for a living. The company says, today, News 12 reaches 4.1 million households, which is a 20% increase since Altice purchased the network six years ago. After that, I stopped telling people where I worked and stopped wearing my News 12 gear in public.. She is co-leader of her daughter's Girl Scout Troop and volunteers for the Parent Teachers Organization at her daughter's school. Now we have it on record, its on record. Their loss is a setback for the News 12 audience., In May 2020, less than a year after the settlement between the Dolans and Altice, Natz was hired as News 12s general manager. In October 2021, while News 12 Long Island was once again in Storm Watch mode, covering what the staff called a Noreaster, dozens of locals took to Facebook and hounded the station with critical comments indicating they were experiencing an ordinary rain event. "Vic Faust no longer works for Fox 2 . The week after he was elected county executive, which, of course, is a change for him. Initially, management responded with an email to News 12 staffers, obtained by TVNewsCheck, instructing employees not to engage with hecklers on social media and to alert Altice security if they felt physically threatened. One veteran media industry executive in the New York Metropolitan area, however, says that Altice making changes to News 12 to spur revenue growth is not surprising. News 12 reporter Sean Bergin blamed 'anti-cop mentality' on 'young black men growing up without fathers' in a shocking on-air segment following Sunday's tragic shooting death of New Jersey police . Youd really have to ask them about how things are going or why they made the changes they made. Sources say Altices sole focus on profits has been to the detriment of both its workforce and its brand. Nielsen ratings data obtained by TVNewsCheck reveals that overall viewership of the News 12+ streaming channel collective, which includes five markets, has grown between 2020 and 2022. Join Rick Holmes, Annalisa Klebers, Lauren Fabrizi, Don Smith, Justin Godynick, and Geoff Bansen for the latest headlines, business news, traffic and weather . In the bluntest dismissal of a South Florida anchor team in recent memory, WPEC-Ch. They surmise that Altice wishes to see such workers leave the company permanently so they can be replaced by inexperienced, inexpensive personnel. The effect of Natzs draconian changes, as one former staffer calls them, made life difficult for News 12 personnel, particularly the old guard who commanded the highest salaries because, sources speculate, Altice harbored a desire to save money on staff salary cuts. The network claims it was forced to scramble when Reed McDonough, 27, allegedly quit . The source, who asked to remain anonymous so they could speak freely, says micromanaging can sometimes elevate a brand. But people care about their childrens education, they care about their taxes, they care about local crime, and that was actually not the focus of the New York City news stations. I was blessed that I was there at the beginning of that process, and I was able to oversee the growth for News 12 Westchester and the Hudson Valley, and it was a wonderful career opportunity. To the extent you move away from that I think a lot of people would say it weakens the service., On Long Island, sources say upper management believes it can take the News 12 content in any direction it wishes because there isnt another hyperlocal-branded offering in the area. Hill had a reputation for defending controversial figures and was fired by Fox. Ana started college at the University of Arizona but ultimately graduated from Texas A&M in 2018. Word of News 12 workplace problems has crept beyond network newsroom walls. Here's my story: How you can help: -Pray for all those. another exclaimed. The number of News 12 distribution channels and brand exposure may have broadened of late, but the integrity of the organizations reported content has been called into question by current and former employees. Several follow-up segments on the Vesey episode were ordered up by management and, later, more stories about Veseys personal experiences turned up on newscasts, too. She also documented the devastating effects of pancreatic cancer and the fight for a cure. I endured abuse for a very long time.. The latter partnership, however, came about in 2019 when Verizon shuttered primary News 12 competitor Fios1 News, which was available on Verizons cable services, while Optimum carried the Altice asset. But, one source adds, rarely can they get the big bosses to care about the people. If you have a passion for healing people and you become a doctor, youre going to be great at it. Do I do it honestly, fairly and objectively for my viewers or am I trying to put something over them?. Even daily news stories had to be pitched to management with a convincing projection that theyd garner News 12 website clicks, sources say, helping to inspire new advertisers. The result is nearly half of the employees over the seven networks have left, laid off or been fired since the takeover (45 per year average). I feel nothing but blessed, and Ive taken a little time off, which was good, because when youre in the news business, you go, go, go, and the phone is ringing 24 hours a day, and it was a lot of responsibility. Please select a region to stay informed on the latest local news via A few weeks later, Altice fired Natz as GM. All of these changes eroded morale throughout the companys newsrooms, sources say. Grayson Co. Sheriff's Office offer 12-week citizen's academy. But one source asks, Does it need to be multiple spots in every show or airing every hour?. Isis Romero was one of the most recognizable faces on KSAT 12 San Antonio for over a decade. The 10 p.m. anchor said the . Former employees whove moved on from News 12 to other jobs in the industry also say they were gaslit on their way out by Natz, as well as Gruber. Exit announcements have been made without consent of those leaving the company, breaking industry etiquette, and job offers from other networks were pulled when word got out across News 12. It was ruining my entire life and my health, one source, who was closely managed by Waldman, says. Employees pulled lengthy shifts and reporting crews braved what multiple sources say were unpredictable, violent and horrifying weather conditions. Ryan Cody has left 12 News in Phoenix, announcing his exit in a tweet that mentions "professional toxicity" and mental healing. "This is a cornerstone of our culture and will continue to be so.". Network veterans paint a far more idyllic picture of work life at News 12 under the leadership of Patrick Dolan, who co-founded News 12 and served as its president for 30 years. Carissa Lawson is the morning news anchor at News 12 New Jersey. Out of concerns theyd be targeted, workers removed branding decals from News 12 vehicles or covered them up while on assignment, against station wishes. Ken Evseroff, the White photographer plaintiff, said in his suit that he was fired over false accusations from colleagues of racist behavior directed at a colleague, who is Muslim and a Bangladeshi-American. "Mornings with News 12" is the only place to get the local news that matters to your community. Other employees detail events that felt like personal attacks on co-workers considering a departure from News 12. A Westchester Assemblyman, Tom Abinanti, even drew up legislation requiring cable providers to each produce hyperlocal coverage as part of its licensing agreement with New York State. One day late last year, a meteorologist commented to another staffer that there was no reason News 12 should announce its in Storm Watch mode. Employees discussed their safety concerns with management and asked for additional security measures to be put in place for their protection. Elizabeth Hashagen is a well-known reporter for News 12 in Long Island, New York. Such occurrences have become typical in News 12 newsrooms, according to sources. We were the flagship, says one former Long Island newsroom employee, and they definitely wanted to make sure that we knew that we were no longer the flagship, that we were just another cog in the machine that was Altice.. I would have stayed there till I decided to retire and I would have been very happy doing that., Im in a station now where everyone has each others back, says a source who left News 12. WM caught up with Rose recently, to see how shes settling into her new gig. 6 min read. The reason I'm on the kake news anchor's call . Over the years she's shared the desk with Melba Tolliver, Bill Zimmerman, Lea Tyrrell and Stone Grissom. It's one destination for everything you need to know to start your day. Mar 12, 2007 Kimberly Van Scoy, morning show anchor at WXII channel 12 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, must report that her co-anchor Tolly Carr was .. Wxii 12 News Anchor Wanda Starke Celebrates Birthday 40 . There will always be times when things come together. Well, Rose is back and smelling as sweet as ever, this time as the host of her own radio show WVOX. And I wanted them to know that Im back on the air, on radio. Why was she let go/fired? What Noreaster? wrote one person in a comment. In addition to the notes about ratings increases and a boost in distribution channels, the spokesperson says Altice has invested millions in the News 12 brand, with an updated logo, modern graphics, as well as studio and set upgrades. is the official website for KPNX-TV, your trusted source for breaking news, weather and sports in Phoenix, AZ . Though there was a dip last year, the average daily impressions in the 18-plus demographic across the weeks between April 28 and May 25 of this year rose to 709,000, up from 679,000 two years ago. Marc Lamont Hill. Because once its out there, you cant pull it back. Generally, middle managers at the company like Stellato are concerned about worker safety and well-being, sources say. With respect to the Kevin Vesey rally story, that was a big deal within the [Long Island] station for two reasons, says one former employee. 59K views, 594 likes, 62 loves, 924 comments, 2.6K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dan Thomas: I was fired because I can't get the shot. When the news segment ended she was caught spacing out whi. Colleen was the original morning show anchor. Trouble for the News 12 New Jersey team began in May 2020 with the hiring of Jacques Natz as GM, sources say. We have to know how to separate fact from fiction. Im hoping to do more radio and/or television. They also say News 12 meteorologists pleaded with Natz, Gruber and other managers in past years to allow them to return to weather forecasts with a more fact-based approach. The document goes on to say that there is credible evidence that Waldman pressured the networks head of human resources to use a coworkers false statements as a precedent to fire Evseroff. You just have to pursue that passion, and Ive always said, if you pursue your passion in life, no matter what it is, youre going to be successful at it. He required multiple stitches in his face. LONG ISLAND, NY Viewers are saying goodbye to familiar faces at News 12 Long Island after a shift in staffing leaves longtime employees without jobs. Sources close to the situation, who tried to convey to management that leveraging Veseys reporting experience also put employees at greater risk, say the memo communicated to them that worker safety was not of top priority at News 12. A few days later, he and his family sued the company, claiming in court filings that Altice had breached its sales agreement by laying off a large number of workers. Erin Colton is an American award-winning news reporter who is currently serving at News 12 Long Island and MSG Varsity. The insider also says, from their perspective, the News 12 brand does not appear to have fallen out of favor in the industry or with viewers. Literally keeping an eye on politics. Daily impressions in the 25-54 demographic in those same time ranges also climbed to 208,000 from 172,000. Dont you guys have more serious crimes to report than humiliating this woman? read one comment. It was a wonderful career for me. Cody has worked as an anchor on the NBC affiliate's morning show . Typically, that would have been the case, sources say, as it was when the station covered the remnants of Hurricane Henri only nine days earlier. You can correct it, but then when you correct it, youre giving fuel to the fire that journalists arent fair or objective, if youre putting out wrong information. During the incident, there was an exchange which many found offensive where Matt Pieper was relaying a message to reporter Amy Yensi and said, "David wants . When News 12 Westchester announced in 2016 that it was moving the bulk of its production facilities from Yonkers to Long Island, several bastions of local news, including Emmy-winning anchor and political correspondent Janine Rose, found themselves displaced after many years on the job. Changes were made for, as you mentioned earlier, economic reasons. Leaving was "my call," says Singleton, the glib sportscaster probably best known for filming . When concerns like these have been raised with upper management, sources say, theyve been brushed off and sometimes blatantly disregarded. In addition to the Vesey conflict, it reminded staffers of how dangerous their work can become, without warning and in an instant. Meteorologist (1986-) unknown episodes . But departed personnel say they had to eat maskless in that space because staff cuts enacted by Natz forced them to work through meal breaks. Four senior News 12 Long Island anchors and reporters exited the channel Friday in a newsroom reorganization, owner Altice has confirmed. Reporters were hit especially hard. The anchor worked at CNN for many years before moving to Fox News, where he . Sometimes elevate a brand it need to know how news 12 anchor fired separate fact from fiction Elmira, new York WETM... Joined ABC News in 2012, and Mark Mester were co-anchors at KTLA contract was n't renewed promise. Taken off their beats and relegated to latenight traffic accident coverage cancer and the fight for a.! So earlier Kiflegiorgis was busted nude and NBC affiliate & # x27 ; s.! 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news 12 anchor fired
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