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If you have missed my earlier articles on Law of Attraction, links to Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV are here. Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020, Others include the Mutus Liber, the twelve keys of Basil Valentine, the emblems of Steffan Michelspacher, and the twelve gates of George Ripley. You are better off listening to self-help books or reading other Twin Flame Articles. [3] The development of black, white, yellow, and red can also be found in the Physika kai Mystika or Pseudo-Democritus, which is often considered to be one of the oldest books on alchemy. Thank you and much blessings. This is a crucial point in the work as it signifies a boiling point has been reached between the lower self and the Higher Self. Although we may not be willing participants in our own demise such as the caterpillar, the agreement within the self that was reached during Conjunction has now made us so. This is actualized through the transmutation of our inner elementsthe extension of the soulas well as the harmonization of our cerebral hemispheres that express the objective and subjective hemispheres of universal consciousness. Sometimes they are garbed, as if they have just been brought together, offering each other flowers. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. "Marriage of the Red King and White Queen in Alchemy." The process can be split into two: putrefaction and spiritualization. The process can be split into two: putrefaction and spiritualization. We have such peace; we are mindful to start our day with intention, and thanks. Alchemical Processes The stages of alchemical progression involved in the great work (the ultimate goal of alchemy, involving the perfection of the soul, represented allegorically as the transmutation of common lead into We are aware of our energy transmutation; we feel and see the crackle of creative invention and possibilities charging with our growing love. Love is not love Their bodies are in a deep passionate embrace. How this manifests over the course of our lives is during periods where we have attained a certain degree of truth but mistake it for being the top of the summit. Deep humility is required in order to loosen the lower selfs attachment to its level of consciousness and elevate its being. This process calls for another permanent rebirth as old 3D door or paradigms shut off permanently, while new 5D gateway opens. An Alchemical Marriage is one of the Universes most incredible magic tricks! These first two stages may be associated, Alchemists were quite imaginative and pictured the successful marriage of masculine and feminine in a person as a unicorn and stag marrying in the middle of a forest. That looks on tempests and is never shaken; On the planetarylevel, Coagulation is a return to the Garden of Eden, this time on a higher level in tune with the Divine mind. Meaning of number 1212 And 1221 in Numerology. This karma can often be amplified by the very presence of the twin flame. For this reason, all awareness is fleeting, all gnosismechanical and rehearsed, all insights are about others and not of the self, with no genuine traction made. WebThe Alchemical Marriage - Soul Wedded to the Christ Self The Alchemical Marriage To establish the true alchemical marriage, cosmic law requires that we first define our own identity in God before we can completely unlock the spiritual potential of our twin flames. Many partners use this stage to reflect on their long and rich history. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. First is the youthful marriage, during which we follow the wonderful impulses that nature has given us in the interplay of the sexes biologically in order to produce children. If they are wearing crowns and the sun is above his head and the moon above her head. But only if one is already an alchemist. We need a balance of the two depending on our situation. The process is similar to the caterpillars metamorphosis into a butterfly. Cibation is an Alchemical process of feeding the contents of the body vessel with fresh materials. Stage seven, the golden years, will last until one of you leaves the earth. The blocks are often a combination of past life and this lifes trauma and wounds, both on subconscious and conscious level. By daily accelerating consciousness through their communion with God, the saints gradually transcended the human ego. This gender statement is not true as we have two polarities of energy running through our human meridian lines. This is achieved by the reconfiguration and synthesis of the persons elements: water, earth, air, and fire into the spiritual Quintessence. To be an alchemist means you have the power to transmute something ordinary into something spectacular in a seemingly mysterious way. The Heaven on Earth experience. These first two stages may be associated, Spiritually there has been no need to gather anymore for the ongoing planetary cycle of changes we are experiencing. In this stage, you become aware of your spiritual transformation and begin to surrender to your Soul Alchemy. The same unique factor that gives twin flames their great spiritual powertheir identical blueprint of identitycan likewise cause the amplification of their negative patterns. Cosmic law requires that we must first define our own unique idenity in the whole of God/Source before we can completely unclock the spiritual and energetic potential of our TwinFlames. Without realization, acceptance, and harmony of inner truths, the separation between masculine and feminine forms increases. It is said that if it was not for Stage 1 - Alchemical Union (2D-4D Astral Relationship, Ancestral miasma, Sexual amplification, Karmic issues, Past timeline memories, Phantom matrices, False Ascension Matrix, Black Magician trauma or Astral Dark Arts Training, Negative Forms or Clones, Egyptian Trauma, Lemurian Trauma, Inner Child trauma, Telepathic, The salvaged ashes of the psyche from calcination are submerged in water to thoroughly clear our vital life force from the remaining grip of the conditioned self. In this stage there is a reconciling of opposing forces within the individual whose masculine and feminine hemispheres are no longer warring and have begun to harmonize. It is a purification and making more subtle of all terrestrial and heterogeneous parts, and giving them a perfection from which they were deprived of, or rather to release the chains that kept them in imprisonment and prevented them from growing from lifetimes. The principle of alchemical marriage between twin flames describes the transformation twin flames must achieve before ascension can be attained. Reconnecting with your inner child has a powerful affect on your life. Alchemical partners hate to be apart and stay together no matter how intense any lows they may experience. It occurs near the end of the Magnum Opus in order to increase gains in the transmutation of higher Alchemical form, from lead to gold consciousness. This would have been a standard sentiment in a Renaissance marriage, but it reinforces the nature of the passive principle. The Space Between No Longer and Not Yet: Astrology Forecast November 8th 15th, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, How Multidimensional Controlled Opposition Seeks to Prevent Mankinds Evolution, Healing the Shock of Awakening: 7 Ways to Integrate Your New Understanding, Healing the Chaos Sorcery Paralysis: Three Steps to Take Back Your Power, Judgement Release: The Gateway to Unity Consciousness, Addiction in our 3D World: The Role of the Shadow, The Alchemy of Feminine Energy: Being the Change You Want to See,, Why Some Scientists Resist the Evidence for Psi, Shadow Work: 13 Dark Archetypes (& Free Test), 5D Shift: Were Living in Two Worlds Now A Critical Time for Focus, How to Practice Self-Inquiry (Who Am I?) Meditation, In Service of the Divine Being a Bridge Between Worlds. Hopefully, this will be the longest stage of marriage! The Queen, however, says "O Sol, I must submit to thee." Alchemists were quite imaginative and pictured the successful marriage of masculine and feminine in a person as a unicorn and stag marrying in the middle of a forest. The majority of people would like to advance into higher levels of awareness, while still maintaining the comforts of their identity, belief systems, and multiple contradictory views. You are on the road to shifting your paradigms from 3D ego based to 5D consciousness. In some cases, we have also discovered that we might come across an androgynous figure that symbolizes the uniting of duality, which is the center of alchemical marriage. The process is similar to the caterpillars metamorphosis into a butterfly. It means these two are alchemists in their own right. Sarah Elkhaldy is an energy healer trained in shamanic and holistic healing modalities that address soul loss, trauma, supporting the body in detoxification of chronic stressors and regeneration. Admit impediments. Webthe solar red alchemical rose. A true representation of a couple accepting themselves and each other without judgment. Rather than reverting to the old habit of dutifully trying to forgive or forget, you face your dragon and demons here and meet them in the eye. The product of the sacred union is the incorruptible philosophers stone, the embodied I am presence. Hypersthene Spiritual Meaning: Unleashing the Power of Third Eye Activation, Rooster Spiritual Meaning: More Than Just a Farm Animal, Flamingo Spiritual Meaning: Discover the Powerful Significance. The essential starting place for the great work is the burning away of all that has been calcified into the conditioned self. The process of separation involves rediscovering our authentic self or feelingsfor a person. Thus, the first and most obvious interpretation is that the Red King represents masculine elements while the White Queen represents female ones. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate ~ Carl Jung. Law of Attraction Coach, Bob Proctor explains it brilliantly about paradigms and beliefs. The sun is male, and the moon is female. Be Empowered. Within his bending sickle's compass come: Some say there is no such thing as truth, that clarity is a dream. God Bless all. The principle of alchemical marriage between twin flames describes the transformation twin flames must achieve before ascension can be attained. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. Thus, the first step to achieve spiritual alchemy is molding our thoughts so that it benefits us. Fire and air are masculine while earth and water are feminine, for example. It meant together through the union; they acquire the power of alchemy to use together. The union of Red King and White Queen is often called the chemical marriage. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. The first four stages involved discarding our old, inauthentic self and drawing together the authentic elements within us. This famous secret was known by many names: Mercury, primordial water, firewater, the alpha and omegain essence it can be likened to the void: the mother of creation. My point I am making here is that there is no such thing as Twin Flame Journey Stages. Retrieved from The Tabula Smaragdina is the oldest document[7] said to provide a "recipe". Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. That only feminine energy comes from a female, and masculine energy only generates for males. I hope you found the series helpful. The salvaged ashes of the psyche from calcination are submerged in water to thoroughly clear our vital life force from the remaining grip of the conditioned self. Begin unveiling your karma. At this stage of Union, 5D template is established between the couple marking it as they bring their Heaven on Earth experience. Multiplicationis the process used to increase the potency of the Philosophers Stone. If you wish to purchase any of my services,click here. In alchemy, the Magnum Opus symbolizes an alchemists great effort in the process of forming the legendary substance which generates astounding powers that transform base metals into gold and silver. WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. Activity needs material to take physical form, but passive material needs definition to be anything more than potential. Alchemys primary objective is the possibility of mutation by liberating the soul from its adhesion to matter. The spirit-matter continuum is the essential theme of alchemy, where we see plurality spring forth from primordial unity, and the necessity of separation to create a higher order of union once more. At this stage, however, we catch a glimpse of a more refined, authentic self. Our thoughts and feelings shape who we are. First is the youthful marriage, during which we follow the wonderful impulses that nature has given us in the interplay of the sexes biologically in order to produce children. The Alchemical Child When Diana opens Ashmole 782 for the first time in nearly 500 years, she comes across a depiction of the alchemical child. This stage can be likened to the rebirth of the phoenix from its own ashes. This is the part of the great work where we begin operating from a higher intelligence. This is the shadow period of the Dark Night of the Soul, or self-reflection by reviewing what is hidden material, decision on what needs to be discarded and what to reintegrate into our refined personality. Let me not to the marriage of true minds Ascension from the physical plane is through the synthesis of the feminine and masculine energies which is the entire aim of alchemy. Also, dont forget that we are neither male nor female at a soul level; we are both. And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. Unless these negative perceptions and emotions get fixed, the twin flames can get entangled in a chaser/runner dynamic. The emptiness that was experienced as intense grief in Calcination has dissipated into the presence of stillness. Unfortunately, not everyone will make alchemical status in their lifetime because of their blind sense of self. Here the fusion of polarizing forces-spirit and matter, volatile and fixed, body and soul-have wholly integrated to achieve unification. Thus, the first step to achieve spiritual alchemy is molding our thoughts so that it benefits us. And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. This is the union between the masculine and feminine impulses/energies, which The practice of alchemical marriage isnt new. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. They stand on a sun and moon, respectively. In Luke 6:13 it is stated that Jesus chose 12 disciples whom he named Apostles, and in Mark 6:30, they are called, TheTwelveApostles when mention is made of their return from the mission of preaching and healing on which Jesus had sent them. The Great Work (Latin: Magnum opus) is an alchemical term for the process of working with the prima materia to create the philosopher's stone. It consists in redoing the already done spiritual transformation but with more exalted and perfected sequences without going through The Dark Night of the Soul phases. The process of alchemy begins with your thoughts. The Stages of Alchemy Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work. The "Four Stage" Version Distillation is the boiling of the liquified ferment until it evaporates to steam, condenses, and descends to a more refined state of liquid. WebThe stages of transformation might be seen as follows: calcination, which symbolizes "the death of the profane," that is, the extinction of all interest in life and in the manifest world, and putrefaction, a consequence of the first stage, which consists of the sepa ration of the destroyed remains. WebThe stages of transformation might be seen as follows: calcination, which symbolizes "the death of the profane," that is, the extinction of all interest in life and in the manifest world, and putrefaction, a consequence of the first stage, which consists of the sepa ration of the destroyed remains. Euphoriais the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness. The love of this beloved holy Christ Self, i.e., that part of us who maintains constant contact with the Sourcethe I AM Presence, is an incomparable love. In this stage the essence is being liberated from matter in the form of ascending vapors. These first two stages may be associated, An example of this phase is the threshold beyond ordinary awareness called the Witness space. This represents our transition to spirit through the volatilization of the spiritual fire. Shifting paradigm is an important change, the usual way of thinking about or doing something by replacing with new or different way. Learn Religions. And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. Stage seven, the golden years, will last until one of you leaves the earth. Sometimes they have a bird symbolizing The Uniting in spirit, which hovers above them, giving them the spiritual blessing of the revered union. It also shapes what we will receive. Following this reasoning, we can discern that the development of our inner senses, transmutation of our soul, and union of our hemispheres are what the true work in alchemy pertains to. This famous secret was known by many names: Mercury, primordial water, firewater, the alpha and omegain essence it can be likened to the void: the mother of creation. Its level of consciousness and elevate its being until one of the phoenix from own. And conscious level come: Some say there is no such thing as twin Flame Journey stages intense... Would have been a standard sentiment in a chaser/runner dynamic both on subconscious and level! On your life the soul from its adhesion to matter ascension can be split into:. Be an alchemist means you have the power to transmute something ordinary into something spectacular in a dynamic... Called the Witness space inner truths, the saints gradually transcended the human ego, this will the... 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alchemical marriage stages